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Old 11-19-2009, 05:27 AM
Sage_Shadowbane Sage_Shadowbane is offline
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Zombie server screenies

So yeah.. I was working on some tiles/images under wraps for a little and eventually called it quits due to a lack of scripting resources as I couldn't do most of the more advanced scripts that were needed.. so I guess I could just show the screenshots here. First one is a city level, than the other 2 are the city with the screen effects. And the last is a forest level with the screen effect.
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Name:	graal_1254460882.png
Views:	816
Size:	199.9 KB
ID:	49848   Click image for larger version

Name:	graal_1254555410.png
Views:	578
Size:	367.6 KB
ID:	49849   Click image for larger version

Name:	graal_1254597138.png
Views:	586
Size:	333.6 KB
ID:	49850   Click image for larger version

Name:	graal_1254963488.png
Views:	634
Size:	324.3 KB
ID:	49851  
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Old 11-19-2009, 05:37 AM
Imperialistic Imperialistic is offline
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Ugh, the player seems to be a floor tall. I don't really care for the lighting on the trees, and the grass detail is horrid.

Other than that I think it looks pretty cool. I love the A/C's hanging out of the window and the stop light is awesome.
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Old 11-19-2009, 06:22 AM
Crono Crono is offline
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I kind of like what I see, except the sizes are completely messed up. Apparently that traffic light is 3 floors tall and the player is 1 floor tall. Some small perspective issues as well but the overall image is alright.
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Old 11-19-2009, 06:29 AM
DustyPorViva DustyPorViva is offline
Will work for food. Maybe
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I think I like this. It's different looking, it may not be the most technically best looking thing, but it has flavor. However, the vines growing on the street = no no, and the cracked street/sidewalks are way too 'high'. However, I don't object to the latter because like I said, it looks different.

On the otherhand, the lighting looks pretty bad. Lights over darkness do not do well in actually displaying what's hidden(aka they don't make good actual lights). What you should do is make the darkness a layer of itself, and have a circle cropped out with an alpha gradient to achieve the same effect, but it's actually clearing out a circle for you to view.
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Old 11-19-2009, 06:31 AM
maximus_asinus maximus_asinus is offline
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For some reason I think I've seen the traffic light somewhere else (though it could be my imagination).

  • I don't like the asphalt/pavement used for the roads, the color is off and it really looks like dirt/dead grass tiles.
  • I don't like the cookie cutter look of where sidewalk or road breaks down to dirt tiles (or where it appears there is asphalt under the cement sidewalk. They don't do that in real life, just so you know).
  • Also should make tiles for grass growing overtop of sidewalk stones.
  • Don't like the fireballs that shoot from that gun (I assume they're bullets, but they look like fireballs). I get trying to make bullets visible at night, so maybe research tracer rounds and incorperate that idea.
  • Players and NPCs should not be lit up unless they have a flashlight/lantern.

  • I do like the light effects and darkness, limiting vision could add a scare factor if done right. Adding light sources at night would be nice though (like functioning street lamps) to aid the player.
  • I like that the GUI can be completely removed from the screen.

I'd suggest searching up on a few threads by Tyhm and his zombie server and gather ideas from there. He abandoned the project and there was a lot of good ideas put out there.
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Old 11-19-2009, 08:44 AM
alskdjfhg alskdjfhg is offline
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Graphics look fine. I just wanna see cool gameplay... : ]
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Old 11-19-2009, 10:20 AM
Demisis_P2P Demisis_P2P is offline
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are there any zombies on this zombie server?
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Old 11-19-2009, 10:30 AM
Tigairius Tigairius is offline
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Good start

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Old 11-19-2009, 11:11 AM
Umat Umat is offline
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I like what I see. I'd love to see this continue.
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Old 11-19-2009, 12:04 PM
Elk Elk is offline
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When shooting bullets you should go more for a style like this:

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Old 11-22-2009, 01:23 AM
Baszle Baszle is offline
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Originally Posted by alskdjfhg View Post
Graphics look fine. I just wanna see cool gameplay... : ]
same here. the zombies should be awesome
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Old 11-22-2009, 02:06 AM
Soala Soala is offline
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wow, looks like a great server above the dimensions issues. Gotta love the darkness in there !
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Old 11-22-2009, 11:49 PM
knightfire35 knightfire35 is offline
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Looks great so far, hope you continue.
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Old 11-23-2009, 12:02 AM
Rufus Rufus is offline
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I think that's the only thing that hasn't been mentioned already is that the house looks extremely flat and lacks perspective. It grabbed my attention straight away, in addition to the player, which has obvious issues contrasting with the tiles.
Originally Posted by Loriel View Post
Seriously, you have ****-all for content and you're not exactly pulling in new developer talent, angling for prestigious titles should be your last concern.
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Old 03-29-2010, 04:09 AM
DeCeaseD DeCeaseD is offline
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Well just decided to let everyone know that I actually have taken this project back up. I've recently added custom bodies and for the most part i've been working on re-working alot of the tiles along with adding some new ones (the tiles aren't up on the server yet.). But yeah the custom bodies are up and completely customizable (Skin Tone, Eyes, Hair, Facial Hair, Shirt, Sleeves, Gloves, Pants, Shoes, Armor, Hat, Mask, and Backpacks). The server now currently features a WIP shoot which is rather similar to the old one displayed in the screenshots, also features a full movement system using the WASD keys, a health system, stamina system, and zombies (which can only be spawned by staff), but they aren't completely finished. If anyone wants to check out the server they can go to "Necromania".
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