Account: BigBear3
Name: Pat
Hours Played: 1064 hours 4 minutes 31 seconds
Time on GK: Almost six years now.
I want to rejoin the Events Master team. I was told by many people that when I was EM it was a fun and more populated time.
My events were hosted so much that in my short run as EM I hosted almost 80 events forcing me to event off my own items. I am comfortable doing this because I care for these players.
I play Graal Kingdoms an awful lot. I'm on for at least 4 hours a day, almost every day. When I'm not running around killing lords, I'm helping new players and teaching them fundamentals.
I'd host just as much as I always did. Which is to say, a lot. My events go beyond mere built-in events to scavenger hunts and ship battles. (I'm always open for suggestions.
My name is Pat,
And I approve this message