I've been working on a gang system which will potentially allow anyone to create their own gang. Out of curiosity, I decided to start a poll to see how many people would be interested in leading their own gang rather than joining someone else's. So far, it looks like everyone wants to lead!
At least more than I had expected.
1-man gangs wouldn't be very fun, so this could be a problem. I thought of a few potential solutions:
- Put a high price on gangs. 50k or something.
- Pros: wanting to lead a gang and having the money are two different things
- Cons: I wanted this system to be open to anyone (even noobs)
- Put a limit on the number of gangs.
- Pros: This would solve the problem of too many gangs but not enough players
- Cons: This defeats the purpose of my system
- Let 'em lead. Eventually they will fail and end up joining other gangs
- Pros: I wouldn't have to do anything
- Cons: There's no guarantee
In my opinion, putting a price on gangs is the best solution, and it is probably what I will end up doing. Regardless, I wanted to share these results and I'd also like to hear your ideas.