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Old 11-18-2013, 02:38 AM
Dragon551 Dragon551 is offline
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Post Gun Skins!


After much wait, gunskins are here! You can activate the menu by simply saying '/skins' in-game.

At the moment, we are only releasing selected guns and skin colors to the public. More will become available as time passes. Currently, there are 3 ways to purchase skins:
  • Money
  • Event Coins
  • Mystery Coins

Along with more guns being released in the near future, we are planning on allowing more currencies to be used when purchasing skins. The price for each skin depends on the price of the gun, meaning the pricier the gun, the more skins for that gun will cost.

You are not able to trade skins with other players, once you buy a skin you keep it with you even after you sell your gun.

Please report any bugs you may come across to me or any other staff member!
-Alfonso (AGT)

Old 11-18-2013, 01:17 PM
Kohola_KinG Kohola_KinG is offline
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Good job Alf. Maybe this will open the door to gun attachments in the future.
Old 11-19-2013, 02:38 AM
papajchris papajchris is offline
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Love you alf
Old 11-19-2013, 06:00 AM
Tim_Rocks Tim_Rocks is offline
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Sweet feature, I also like the GUI skin as well.
Old 11-19-2013, 09:20 PM
Fiberwyre_P2P Fiberwyre_P2P is offline
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Originally Posted by Tim_Rocks View Post
Sweet feature, I also like the GUI skin as well.
I made the GUI skin
Old 11-20-2013, 01:09 AM
Supaman771 Supaman771 is offline
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Now would it be possible (well it would.. but would you guys go for it) to have a option to submit custom gun skins.

Same functionality as uploading heads. Except it would cost mad $$ and have to be admin approved like Gang Apps.

Old 11-20-2013, 01:13 AM
Fiberwyre_P2P Fiberwyre_P2P is offline
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I'm 95% behind that.
the 5% is because I don't think it should cost any money to upload a skin.
You'd still have to buy the skin anyway, so one person shouldn't have to pay extra to add something to the game that would be available to everyone.

Unless you're talking about personal skins :O
Old 11-20-2013, 01:52 AM
Supaman771 Supaman771 is offline
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Originally Posted by Fiberwyre_P2P View Post
I'm 95% behind that.
the 5% is because I don't think it should cost any money to upload a skin.
You'd still have to buy the skin anyway, so one person shouldn't have to pay extra to add something to the game that would be available to everyone.

Unless you're talking about personal skins :O
I meant like, you upload your own skin, similar to uploading a head. (Yeah, personal skins)
In which you pay to add it, and u get it at the same time (like a gang).
If it isn't quality enough and gets refused, you get refunded.

They already asked for submissions for public skins. I thought part of the concept of this was customization and individuality. I wouldn't want to make myself a skin and then see everyone else using it.

Or it could always be a check mark when uploading, to make it public or private (like heads). Then just add a fee to privatizing it. Maybe even guild-only privatization (hue).
Old 11-20-2013, 02:39 AM
Dragon551 Dragon551 is offline
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Hmm, the skin submission is possible of course, I'm not against the idea either. So who knows, it may be added in the future

Anyways, after much discussion with Zachary and some other fellow staff members, we've refunded everyone's money/currency for their gun skins and have lowered the prices. Along with lower prices, we've also added every skin to every currency, meaning you can buy any skin with either EC's, Mystery Coins, or regular money!

We've also released every gun skin for the guns we currently have listed. However, we still have many guns we are still working on, so don't worry! More guns will be listed as they are finished.

If there are any problems at all, or if you think you did not receive your skin refund, please contact me or any other administrator in-game!

Era Staff
-Alfonso (AGT)

Old 11-20-2013, 04:08 AM
Godzilla Godzilla is offline
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I really hope that you have created some more unique looking skins, recolors are nothing to be proud about.
Old 11-20-2013, 05:38 PM
Tim_Rocks Tim_Rocks is offline
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Originally Posted by Fiberwyre_P2P View Post
I made the GUI skin
Did you complete all the skins available to GUI's? I'd be willing to go through a few scripts and update the skins.
Old 11-20-2013, 08:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Fiberwyre_P2P View Post
I'm 95% behind that.
the 5% is because I don't think it should cost any money to upload a skin.
You'd still have to buy the skin anyway, so one person shouldn't have to pay extra to add something to the game that would be available to everyone.

Unless you're talking about personal skins :O
This makes things a little more complex BUT... I strongly feel it should not just cost an entry fee to submit skins but a large entry fee.

The redeeming factor here is that I also believe the person who submits the skin should make a small percentage of the profits from every skin sold.

This way people are discouraged from submitting low quality skins and rewarded for submitting high quality (high sales volume) skins.
Old 11-20-2013, 11:33 PM
Fiberwyre_P2P Fiberwyre_P2P is offline
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Originally Posted by Tim_Rocks View Post
Did you complete all the skins available to GUI's? I'd be willing to go through a few scripts and update the skins.
I only did the ones necessary for that GUI. But I could do the rest, if you want to use it for other systems.
Old 11-21-2013, 01:52 AM
Tim_Rocks Tim_Rocks is offline
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Originally Posted by Fiberwyre_P2P View Post
I only did the ones necessary for that GUI. But I could do the rest, if you want to use it for other systems.
That'd be awesome; I really think we need to standardize all the GUI's so at maximum we only use two themes.
Old 11-21-2013, 02:51 AM
-HateD- -HateD- is offline
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Originally Posted by Stephen View Post
This makes things a little more complex BUT... I strongly feel it should not just cost an entry fee to submit skins but a large entry fee.

The redeeming factor here is that I also believe the person who submits the skin should make a small percentage of the profits from every skin sold.

This way people are discouraged from submitting low quality skins and rewarded for submitting high quality (high sales volume) skins.
Era doesn't have a big enough playerbase for this kind of economics. Waste of developers' time in my opinion.
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