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Old 03-02-2011, 05:50 AM
HomoPanda HomoPanda is offline
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iClassic failing so hard,
wth, iClassic used to be ****ing awsome, now nothing gets done, they release hats and heads, big whoop, were tired of those, we want other stuff and the ability to actally get an Admin who is able to do things, not one who says "sorry talk to Xor", uhm hello, we cant get to Xor, thats why you have a Admin tag. iEra surpassed iClassic within the first week. y? Cause SnK knows wtf hes doing, and has PR's that can and are willing to help. If things dont change, i can easly see iClassic dying completently...please dont let that happen.
^--- Me IRL, struttin my azz for vman

Last edited by TSAdmin; 03-02-2011 at 08:42 AM.. Reason: Evasion of the swear filter will earn you an infraction if it continues to occur
Old 03-02-2011, 06:02 AM
LordSquirt LordSquirt is offline
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Well Classic iPhone has a much larger playercount and Xor has a lot to do so it's pretty to easy to see why he's hard get in touch with. However, Xor checks e-mails daily @ the iPhone e-mail so if you really want to get in touch with him you can do it through that.

Also, Classic iPhone can't be "failing so hard" when it has 1.3k+ ppl on atm
Old 03-02-2011, 06:08 AM
HomoPanda HomoPanda is offline
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Originally Posted by LordSquirt View Post
Well Classic iPhone has a much larger playercount and Xor has a lot to do so it's pretty to easy to see why he's hard get in touch with. However, Xor checks e-mails daily @ the iPhone e-mail so if you really want to get in touch with him you can do it through that.

Also, Classic iPhone can't be "failing so hard" when it has 1.3k+ ppl on atm
im not talking about the player count, iClassic is failing, u cant get in touch with an PR or Admin because the second you try to find one or feedback for help, your banned from feedback or jailed for spam, like seriously? Ive yet to see one admin in my 6 months on being on iClassic. Xor is busy as a Manager, but iEra also has more scripting involved compared to iClassic, & SnK still comes online for 2-3 hrs a day and deals with Problems. Not saying Xor is a bad manager cause hes a ****ing great one, but the staff he has doesnt do anything but sit invisible.

For example, People on iEra that i know, complain and tell me they left iClassic because its so goddamn hard to get a transfer, someone i know has been waiting 2 months for a single transfer? i think we can agree thats not a legit waiting time for a transfer. If iEra can get transfer's in within 2-3 days, i see no reason why iClassic cant either.
^--- Me IRL, struttin my azz for vman

Last edited by TSAdmin; 03-02-2011 at 08:43 AM.. Reason: Evasion of the swear filter will earn you an infraction if it continues to occur
Old 03-02-2011, 06:11 AM
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As a former iPhone GP I know Xor goes through account transfers and gelat mistakes daily.
Old 03-02-2011, 06:12 AM
HomoPanda HomoPanda is offline
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Originally Posted by LordSquirt View Post
As a former iPhone GP I know Xor goes through account transfers and gelat mistakes daily.
Not really, if this person is still to this day waiting for an accnt transfer.
^--- Me IRL, struttin my azz for vman
Old 03-02-2011, 06:33 AM
WhiteDragon WhiteDragon is offline
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iPhone Classic does have a lot of players. But, it doesn't seem to me that much innovative stuff has been done there. I think the chances for Graal that this new medium brought have been terribly neglected, and it's biting us in the ass as a result.

I generally try to not be particularly critical of iPhone Classic when I don't need to, but I do want to point out that I believe the same as everyone else. The two communities should have been more integrated, and more effort should have gone into making iPhone Classic less generic, more engaging, and more professional.

I don't particularly think the effort of the current team there is what is missing. I feel it's more a case of bad coordination, and the wrong goals.

Either way, posting in this PC Classic subforum is just talking to the wrong ear. Most people here agree that iPhone Classic has been done poorly, and none of the people who work there really read this.
Old 03-02-2011, 06:41 AM
HomoPanda HomoPanda is offline
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Originally Posted by WhiteDragon View Post
iPhone Classic does have a lot of players. But, it doesn't seem to me that much innovative stuff has been done there. I think the chances for Graal that this new medium brought have been terribly neglected, and it's biting us in the ass as a result.

I generally try to not be particularly critical of iPhone Classic when I don't need to, but I do want to point out that I believe the same as everyone else. The two communities should have been more integrated, and more effort should have gone into making iPhone Classic less generic, more engaging, and more professional.

I don't particularly think the effort of the current team there is what is missing. I feel it's more a case of bad coordination, and the wrong goals.

Either way, posting in this PC Classic subforum is just talking to the wrong ear. Most people here agree that iPhone Classic has been done poorly, and none of the people who work there really read this.
i just wanted this brought up because im seriously annoyed and mad that one of my favorite servers is dying and no one cares.
^--- Me IRL, struttin my azz for vman
Old 03-02-2011, 07:10 AM
kingcj kingcj is offline
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Graal has been dying for years... Jump on that bandwagon cause it's really nothing new.
Even the iPhone servers will die untill people are paid to develop.
I'm pretty sure that a lot of graal developers don't consider this their "job," and if they don't have incentive (money) why would they work on something to the best of their ability?

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Old 03-02-2011, 07:52 AM
HomoPanda HomoPanda is offline
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Originally Posted by kingcj View Post
Graal has been dying for years... Jump on that bandwagon cause it's really nothing new.
Even the iPhone servers will die untill people are paid to develop.
I'm pretty sure that a lot of graal developers don't consider this their "job," and if they don't have incentive (money) why would they work on something to the best of their ability?
iEra has yet to die, or even come into the state of "dying..." iEra is doing very well, very frequent BIG updates, not "We have released 2 new heads in snowtown general store"
^--- Me IRL, struttin my azz for vman
Old 03-02-2011, 03:04 PM
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graal's lifetime progress compressed down to about a year on iDevices and still holds true LOL

Old 03-02-2011, 04:20 PM
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Was this thread moved?
Originally Posted by Loriel View Post
Seriously, you have ****-all for content and you're not exactly pulling in new developer talent, angling for prestigious titles should be your last concern.
Old 03-02-2011, 04:48 PM
fowlplay4 fowlplay4 is offline
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Originally Posted by kingcj View Post
Graal has been dying for years... Jump on that bandwagon cause it's really nothing new.
Even the iPhone servers will die untill people are paid to develop.
I'm pretty sure that a lot of graal developers don't consider this their "job," and if they don't have incentive (money) why would they work on something to the best of their ability?
Even if developers did get paid it wouldn't be nearly enough (at the most I see it paying for a team lunch every couple weeks or so) to compensate us for the time spent, and money certainly isn't the end-all-be-all of development incentive either.

Graal development will improve when a few things happen:

1. Documentation gets a serious facelift. (Graal Administration will need to be involved, and help with this instead of expecting volunteers to do everything.)
2. Tools and updates get made to make the Development Platform more accessible, as well as to show current developers that they still care.
3. Subscriptions being completely revamped/removed.
4. Observer Mode being completely removed.

Originally Posted by Rufus View Post
Was this thread moved?
Old 03-02-2011, 04:56 PM
DustyPorViva DustyPorViva is offline
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Why the hell was it moved to the UN section?
Old 03-02-2011, 05:11 PM
Fulg0reSama Fulg0reSama is offline
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Originally Posted by DustyPorViva View Post
Why the hell was it moved to the UN section?
I wonder the very same.

Careful, thoughts and opinions here scare people.
Old 03-02-2011, 07:26 PM
HomoPanda HomoPanda is offline
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Originally Posted by fowlplay4 View Post
1. Documentation gets a serious facelift. (graal administration will need to be involved, and help with this instead of expecting volunteers to do everything.)
2. Tools and updates get made to make the development platform more accessible, as well as to show current developers that they still care.
3. Subscriptions being completely revamped/removed.
4. Observer mode being completely removed.
^--- Me IRL, struttin my azz for vman
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