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Old 11-21-2013, 04:01 PM
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Originally Posted by -HateD- View Post
Era doesn't have a big enough playerbase for this kind of economics.
Yes, it does.
Old 11-21-2013, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Stephen View Post
Yes, it does.
Stephen you're on for maybe an hour a week actually doing stuff. 80% of the time people are just afk/idling at unstick. Gun skins are awesome and all, but I think people would rather see something new gang wise than a skin market with uploads/profit.
Old 11-21-2013, 10:47 PM
Fiberwyre_P2P Fiberwyre_P2P is offline
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Originally Posted by -HateD- View Post
Era doesn't have a big enough playerbase for this kind of economics. Waste of developers' time in my opinion.
I agree. Not to mention that the people who would actually be capable of making quality skins is a small subset of that already small playerbase.

Also I feel like I should address this:
Originally Posted by Godzilla View Post
I really hope that you have created some more unique looking skins, recolors are nothing to be proud about.
The plan was to make basic colors for every gun, that way there would at least be SOME skins for every gun, THEN to start making custom, good-looking skins.
Old 11-21-2013, 11:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Fiberwyre_P2P View Post
I agree.
The playercount of GK is much smaller than Era and generates significantly more gelat sales daily. Playercount is a moot point.
Originally Posted by -HateD- View Post
Gun skins are awesome and all, but I think people would rather see something new gang wise than a skin market with uploads/profit.
It doesn't have to be one or the other. Also, quality is a relative term. So long as something is nicer than the last it is considered "higher quality". Players don't expect masterpieces.

If Era can improve their value in Graal Online then a few VERY beneficial opportunities become available. Would you rather your low quality $100 Era Dollar gun skins in an uncompetitive market today or a significantly better server in 6 months? Your choice boss.
Old 11-22-2013, 04:10 AM
MonkeyBob MonkeyBob is offline
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Old 11-22-2013, 04:10 AM
Fiberwyre_P2P Fiberwyre_P2P is offline
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Originally Posted by Stephen View Post
The playercount of GK is much smaller than Era and generates significantly more gelat sales daily. Playercount is a moot point.

It doesn't have to be one or the other. Also, quality is a relative term. So long as something is nicer than the last it is considered "higher quality". Players don't expect masterpieces.

If Era can improve their value in Graal Online then a few VERY beneficial opportunities become available. Would you rather your low quality $100 Era Dollar gun skins in an uncompetitive market today or a significantly better server in 6 months? Your choice boss.
When did we start talking about Gelats?

No offense, but GK isn't exactly the gold standard for games that I want to play, let alone spend money on, so using it to make your point doesn't convince me that what you're saying is a good idea.

I would argue that players do expect masterpieces.

what beneficial opportunities are you referring to?

Skins don't cost $100.

You're super overselling your idea.
Old 11-22-2013, 03:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Fiberwyre_P2P View Post
You're super overselling your idea.
Originally Posted by Henry Ford
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.
What you're suggesting is an incremental change. What I'm suggesting is a radical change. I know it's scary and confusing for a lot of people who don't understand the far reaching effects but it would be really beneficial for this server.

If Era can prove it is as valuable or more valuable than iServers it may be enough to not just secure a role in the future but step up beyond Graal PC. So I'll ask again - do you want to have your skins today for whatever era-dollar value they have and have a very bleak future or do you want something incredible in 6 months? I anticipate your answer will still be "don't make me think".
Old 11-22-2013, 07:06 PM
bloodykiller bloodykiller is offline
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changing gun colours, this is what era needs!!!!!!!!!
Old 11-22-2013, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by bloodykiller View Post
changing gun colours, this is what era needs!!!!!!!!!
It's a market place for customization. There is more in development on Era than this.
Old 11-23-2013, 09:53 PM
-HateD- -HateD- is offline
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Originally Posted by Stephen View Post
What you're suggesting is an incremental change. What I'm suggesting is a radical change. I know it's scary and confusing for a lot of people who don't understand the far reaching effects but it would be really beneficial for this server.

If Era can prove it is as valuable or more valuable than iServers it may be enough to not just secure a role in the future but step up beyond Graal PC. So I'll ask again - do you want to have your skins today for whatever era-dollar value they have and have a very bleak future or do you want something incredible in 6 months? I anticipate your answer will still be "don't make me think".
If we had the perfect world with a perfect development team and could make everything instantaneously, then yes this would be awesome. We don't though, so stop taking it so seriously and being all gung-ho. Dev's time would better be spent elsewhere.
Old 11-24-2013, 03:11 AM
Kohola_KinG Kohola_KinG is offline
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Anyways. Yes, booger is right. Development would be better spent elsewhere. Skins should be our last concern.

Last edited by Stephen; 11-24-2013 at 05:19 AM.. Reason: do not discuss bans on the forums
Old 11-24-2013, 03:21 AM
Godzilla Godzilla is offline
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It's a shame that I was framed into being excluded from Era, would be great to watch the game I grew up with grow, I on the hand have to completely agree with Stephen, anything that can shine to be a next-generation type of feature will secure your chances of ever merging or becoming a iPhone v2 server.
Old 11-24-2013, 10:11 PM
bloodykiller bloodykiller is offline
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iphone era sucks, nobody who knows how to PK on era actually plays for more than a week on iphone
it has more players because every app in the app store is advertised for free. era has never been advertised and our non payed staff members make gun skins and release OP free guns (when they're not spawning stuff) instead of bettering the server
Old 11-24-2013, 11:07 PM
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Originally Posted by bloodykiller View Post
iphone era sucks, nobody who knows how to PK on era actually plays for more than a week on iphone
it has more players because every app in the app store is advertised for free. era has never been advertised and our non payed staff members make gun skins and release OP free guns (when they're not spawning stuff) instead of bettering the server
If any of that is true it sounds like there's room for improvement.
Old 11-25-2013, 04:47 AM
Fiberwyre_P2P Fiberwyre_P2P is offline
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Originally Posted by Godzilla View Post
It's a shame that I was framed into being excluded from Era, would be great to watch the game I grew up with grow, I on the hand have to completely agree with Stephen, anything that can shine to be a next-generation type of feature will secure your chances of ever merging or becoming a iPhone v2 server.
No one cares that you were banned and no one takes pity on you because you use the word "excluded" instead of "banned". The real shame is that not one thread can be free of you peppering in stuff about your personal problems.

I don't have a personal stake in your business, but I've gone a while without saying anything and it's just kind of annoying, really.

What you should really be doing is not mentioning it at all. That way, people will eventually forget about it, 3 managers will go by, and you'll be back by mid 2014, all without us having to suffer your sob story.
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