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Old 10-12-2016, 12:16 AM
BlueMelon BlueMelon is offline
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Logged on and couldn't walk diagonal, that's a turn off for me :[
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Old 10-12-2016, 01:09 AM
Imperialistic Imperialistic is offline
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I will most likely come around now that I'm not a bomy anymore. Have you ever tried running from a baddy as a bomy???
" It's been swell, but the swelling's gone down. "
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Old 10-12-2016, 02:22 AM
kia345 kia345 is offline
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Originally Posted by Kamaeru View Post
You can't make this stuff up.
oh good so you're actually retarded

the point is that you're using "casual" as a detractor, to wave away any complaints that you don't agree with without actually approaching them, because, hey, if the people that disagree with me can just be reduced to a mean word, I don't actually have to respond to issues. note how instead of just calling you retarded and saying I'm right, I explain why you're in the wrong

the follow up to that is that graal by default will always cater to a casual part of the demographic - making your use of it even more directionless and pathetic and making it that much more important that the "casual" opinion is the one you should be listening to. this isn't a contradiction, what I said was that you were treating casual as a metric, a negative and irrelevant measurement, when in reality is the name for the type of people that make up the community, including yourself, especially if you're this bullheaded.

so yeah, you don't need to "make this up". just like with dusty, you're inventing a fake contradiction because that's a lot easier than hearing an opinion that isn't yours

Last edited by kia345; 10-12-2016 at 02:34 AM.. Reason: edited out a mean sentence
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Old 10-12-2016, 03:59 AM
Kamaeru Kamaeru is offline
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Originally Posted by kia345 View Post
hey, if the people that disagree with me can just be reduced to a mean word, I don't actually have to respond to issues.
Originally Posted by kia345 View Post
you're actually retarded
so yeah, you don't need to "make this up"
Dude stop, you are making a fool out of yourself and projecting yourself onto others so hard I don't even have to make my own counter-argument.

you were treating casual as a metric, a negative and irrelevant measurement
Not true, I'm just pointing out that Graal2001 is not even remotely a casual game. It is the kind of game that only rewards the player for hard determination, never for minimal effort.
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Last edited by Kamaeru; 10-12-2016 at 04:24 AM..
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Old 10-12-2016, 04:00 AM
kia345 kia345 is offline
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Originally Posted by Kamaeru View Post
Not true, I'm just pointing out that Graal2001 is not even remotely a casual game.

It is the kind of game that only rewards the player for hard determination, never for minimal effort.

wow you're pretty triggered by the word "casual" for someone with a ds friendcode in their signature

Last edited by kia345; 10-12-2016 at 04:11 AM..
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