I'll check and see what's causing it if it's on Era. We may add you an RC since you're probably a lot better with script efficiency than I am.
Okay, so I've said /stats on RC a couple of times, and I can probably say with this data, that Era is the cause of the lag (I think??)..
PHP Code:
Server uptime: 1299 hrs 13 mins
Max supported players: 16382
Sleeptime (secs/min): 52386
Connection tries (last min): 6
Players-in (byte/l.m.): 5157586
Players-out (byte/l.m.): 13932311
RCs-in (byte/last min): 188
RCs-out (byte/last min): 373772
NPCServer-in (byte/l.m.): 4321752
NPCServer-out (byte/l.m.): 6190981
ServerList-in (byte/l.m.): 4091
ServerList-out (byte/l.m.): 38378
Player-avrg-in (bit/sec): 8674
Player-avrg-out (bit/sec): 18241
TSockets-in (byte/l.m.): 51088
TSockets-out (byte/l.m.): 318514
Levels: 268
Players: 73
RCs: 10
NPCServers: 1
ServerListers: 1
Memory (bytes): 29885912
Players connecting: 0
Script engine: 0 event objects, 69 destroyed objects, 1 static objects, 6 global variables, 3 script machines
NPC-Server statistics:
Server uptime: 1299 hrs 13 mins
Sleeptime (secs/min): 49056
Scriptime (last min): 58700
Connectiontries (last min): 0
NCs-in (byte/last min): 16
NCs-out (byte/last min): 0
GServer-in (byte/l.m.): 6167843
GServer-out (byte/l.m.): 4322143
TSockets-in (byte/l.m.): 0
TSockets-out (byte/l.m.): 0
Levels: 3092
Active Levels: 375
NPCs: 15058
Active Objects: 2169
DB-NPCs: 9401
NPC-Placeholder: 4002
Projectiles: 19
Players: 83
NC count: 5
GServers: 1
Memory (bytes): 397242528
Top 10 of npcs taken most CPU time:
1. 1.429794232 % -KillStreaks (func_numbers)
2. 0.951229333 % GangSys/Bonus (func_numbers)
3. 0.710798501 % TopKills (in level control.nw at pos (30.5, 30)) (func_time)
4. 0.693522294 % PlayerControl (in level control.nw at pos (30.5, 30))
5. 0.406092802 % -Minimap (func_tween,func_easing)
6. 0.348140001 % DB_AmmoMart (in level era_ammomartrestock.nw at pos (28, 26.5))
7. 0.328036149 % -BulletSystem (hpfunctions)
8. 0.321574211 % Control-NPC (tradefunctions,hpfunctions,partyfunctions,mail_functions)
9. 0.30520002 % DB_PyroTech (in level era_pyrotechxinside06.nw at pos (27, 17))
10. 0.267698764 % LagBot (in level control.nw at pos (30.5, 30))
Most used classes:
1. bounds: 2848 times
2. housefunctions: 1627 times
3. house_object: 999 times
4. christmaspresent: 989 times
5. xmaslights: 974 times
6. block: 954 times
7. tree: 844 times
8. func_sql: 708 times
9. func_time: 687 times
10. trash: 673 times
Script engine: 3 event objects, 2510 destroyed objects, 255 static objects, 10724 global variables, 7 script machines
Notice the 5-6% jump
EDIT: I've checked stats a couple more times, these results don't seem to appear again..
PHP Code:
GServer statistics:
Server uptime: 1299 hrs 14 mins
Max supported players: 16382
Sleeptime (secs/min): 34055
Connection tries (last min): 6
Players-in (byte/l.m.): 4424975
Players-out (byte/l.m.): 8194827
RCs-in (byte/last min): 95
RCs-out (byte/last min): 192430
NPCServer-in (byte/l.m.): 2910074
NPCServer-out (byte/l.m.): 5256280
ServerList-in (byte/l.m.): 3979
ServerList-out (byte/l.m.): 18004
Player-avrg-in (bit/sec): 8674
Player-avrg-out (bit/sec): 18242
TSockets-in (byte/l.m.): 55681
TSockets-out (byte/l.m.): 146919
Levels: 251
Players: 71
RCs: 10
NPCServers: 1
ServerListers: 1
Memory (bytes): 29665792
Players connecting: 0
Script engine: 0 event objects, 72 destroyed objects, 1 static objects, 6 global variables, 3 script machines
NPC-Server statistics:
Server uptime: 1299 hrs 14 mins
Sleeptime (secs/min): 37968
Scriptime (last min): 45300
Connectiontries (last min): 1
NCs-in (byte/last min): 57
NCs-out (byte/last min): 12359
GServer-in (byte/l.m.): 4807242
GServer-out (byte/l.m.): 2970851
TSockets-in (byte/l.m.): 0
TSockets-out (byte/l.m.): 0
Levels: 3094
Active Levels: 373
NPCs: 14899
Active Objects: 2156
DB-NPCs: 9392
NPC-Placeholder: 3866
Projectiles: 13
Players: 81
NC count: 5
GServers: 1
Memory (bytes): 399990016
Top 10 of npcs taken most CPU time:
1. 6.772886514 % Account-System
2. 5.362913211 % -Polling (func_sql,func_time)
3. 5.266596873 % npcs[3811] (in level era_present_aa-00.nw at pos (52, 1)) (cloneplayer,func_offlineplayers)
4. 3.863579432 % npcs[2154] (in level era_present_01-00.nw at pos (44, 46)) (cloneplayer,func_offlineplayers)
5. 2.589734792 % npcs[4178] (in level era_present_aa-aa.nw at pos (47, 61)) (cloneplayer,func_offlineplayers)
6. 1.426584323 % npcs[3810] (in level era_present_aa-00.nw at pos (42, 0)) (cloneplayer,func_offlineplayers)
7. 1.153976917 % -KillStreaks (func_numbers)
8. 0.921966234 % DB_GunRack
9. 0.802496274 % GangSystem (func_sql)
10. 0.788161754 % Sales_Event (in level era_sales-test.nw at pos (32, 32)) (func_sql,func_time)
Most used classes:
1. bounds: 2848 times
2. housefunctions: 1628 times
3. house_object: 999 times
4. christmaspresent: 989 times
5. xmaslights: 974 times
6. block: 953 times
7. tree: 844 times
8. func_sql: 707 times
9. func_time: 687 times
10. trash: 686 times
Script engine: 3 event objects, 2543 destroyed objects, 327 static objects, 10787 global variables, 7 script machines