03-09-2011, 09:26 PM
Wise man.
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Equestria
Posts: 86
this is getting outta hand.
oh my, we all knew this was going to come up on the forums eventually.
i lol'd so hard my aids went to go **** itsself when i heard sasori was a new ET
mainly due to the fact that he's known for having obvious stats that requires killing guests.
talking about stats, last night i checked them and i saw the kills this week top people had already around 1k WTF how is it possible to get 1k kills in 2 days. how is this possible? hory shet this is impossibru you guys are obviously abusing guests.
let alone, these ridiculous decisions, zone is a very vunerable servers against hackers, mainly because you guys hired a GP that is online when the playercount is less than 5 and has aproximately 20 hours online in general.
the new CTF planet is completely and utterly useless, glitchy and incomplete, who the **** releases a planet that isn't even finished? just jeep that **** at debug until it's fixed.
and because i love to point out to obvious i'm going to tell you guys.
-buildings/ tents that do absolutely nothing
-dead ends
-green footsteps on a snow map
-tiles misplaced
-one of the bases is ridiculously small
mods so far have proved themselves completely useless.
btw, i sense a big wave of hackers, digzey's around again.
cheers. |
Ha! take that twillight fans!