Oh, my god, I tried reading the first 3 pages after my first post and wanted to rip my eyes out with all that "slang". I could hardly understand half of it,

Can you atleast try and use a spellcheck to make it easier to understand and sound a lot more sophiscated about what you're saying.
As for who should handle it. Here's my thoughts.
Notice I only read the first 2 pages since I'd rather not lose IQ points or anything of that sort.
Cell/Chaos have the funds to support a MMT, they're some of the people I almost always see on. (?) They both live in different regions of the world. ChaosOrc, although he's rather new, I've seen him work really hard already with Klay as owner. He did just about everything and anything for MMT.
Cell's seen MMT when it wasn't such a fail, and I'm sure he'd have some nice ideas to bring back it's former glory. Not to say, Cell is pretty known server-wide and has CP following him.
Alf/Trak, I haven't played a lot recetntly, so I can't really clarify on this. Alf I've seen quite a lot, not as much though as some people state. Trak, I've rarely seen actually. Alf is a person who I'm sure played gk on and off for a while, but not consistantly over a long period of time. Trak, new? Not sure, can't say, but if he is, lacks experience imo.
Sky/Rice. I'm pretty sure Sky is a good guy, not real active imo. Not sure how he'd work with MMT. Rice, I've seen his account a few times over the few years I've played kingdoms. Not a lot, maybe he's someone a lot older than me. Regardless, I've only seen him play consistantly a lot recently and I don't think he has the experience. Although I want to believe Rice = Cubes, the whole friend inrl thing covers it well.