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Old 03-22-2009, 05:34 PM
Novice Novice is offline
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Originally Posted by MiniOne View Post
I've found that Graal's community was actually fun and I enjoyed it a few years ago. I can ensure a lot of others can agree with me.
Are you sure you're talking about Graal?
Perhaps Zone, but I've seen on a few servers it is actually better.

Originally Posted by seanthien View Post
I tend to do that alot, correct me plx mr.popo.
I was just saying that so we knew what exactly he meant.
If you notice, ideas are plentiful. The lack of dev members, mostly scripters in my opinion, is what takes zone so long for updates to happen.
Then people should learn to do some kind of development work and help staff/management get it done.
hai.plzcorect plz.
I was talking to Imperialistic, it's a joke.
Staff should be these "Welcome Committee". Having a friendly community isn't a single person job. It's a group effort in my opinion, and alot of people don't cooperate too well.
If staff don't do it, and if players are complaining, then those players should. Promote what you want to get in return. "Do to others as you would like done to yourself." (Something alone those lines)

Originally Posted by pooper200000 View Post
Nataxo was staff. As Sean said, Nataxo was ET staff but Nataxo was never involved in development (Aside from testing)

Those of us who are staff read the forums and recognize problems and work on fixing them. It just takes time between implementing an idea and having the idea added.

I really dislike when people blame the community for two reasons. First off, we are all members of the community and by blaming the community we blame ourselves. We can't improve if we don't first improve ourselves.
The second reason I dislike people blaming the community is because the community comes up with a lot of ideas and is the driving force behind why there is a lot of development (Staff develop for the community).
I only blame the community when I see them complaining, but not actually trying to get anything done other than "thiz iz brokn plz fix" or "this iz laem wepn chng thiz!"
What I'm trying to say is, instead of complaining about weapons/fairness, learn to develop to create more weapons/improve fairness. GraalOnline is mainly ran by players, and Cyberjoueurs steps in where it's necessary and usually on Gold servers (because, that's why the servers are Gold, they're what they think of "better" servers, and want to improve them).
And the only reason I am not trying to develop for Zone, is because I don't play Zone too much nor really care about its development as long as something is getting done (which I know there is), and because I have my own projects to attend to.
I dislike your pessimism. You always speak of how Zone is going to die, but Zone is still here. It is only because of pessimism such as your pessimism that Zone is going to die. We need members who are willing to participate in the community, members willing to be a positive influence on the new members.
I believe players think of these kinds of things is because they don't see the possible updates.
If staff could get a list of what is being done or what is done to be released, I'm sure players will stop, give criticism (constructive? with Zone's players, not likely), and continue playing.

Originally Posted by Shadow5596321 View Post
Raven, Zone is dieing from lack of GOOD updates.
Oh yes, tell Raven, and have him try his hand at Iricia again!

Originally Posted by Ravenblade1979 View Post
Zone is dying from lack of updates. Then why don't people stop complaining and learn how to dev or script and help. Complaining won't do anything because there isn't enough staff to bring out new stuff.
This is what I keep trying to say, and what I've seen said before.
Players don't get the hint that those running the server are, in fact, only players themselves, who had learned to develop.
If players took about 3 hours to try to learn how to develop, I'm sure there could be much more work done. Of course, then they'll go out and get a server, and learn how hard it is manage them, and then be all "WHY ME" and quit. (Fake story, by the way. Just trying to say that it is in fact hard to manage a server.)

Just a note to all:
I would be glad to help teach what I know about developing to any player if they would like me to. Just give me a PM or Visitor Message on my profile and we can set up how to communicate and where to test (which, unless you have your own server, will be Testbed).

Last edited by Novice; 03-22-2009 at 05:53 PM..
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Old 03-22-2009, 05:37 PM
RevolutionJS RevolutionJS is offline
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I really want to learn how to script etc, but where to start?
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Old 03-22-2009, 05:41 PM
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Originally Posted by RevolutionJS View Post
I really want to learn how to script etc, but where to start?
Originally Posted by Novice View Post
Just a note to all:
I would be glad to help teach what I know about developing to any player if they would like me to. Just give me a PM or Visitor Message on my profile and we can set up how to communicate and where to test (which, unless you have your own server, will be Testbed).
(I know, I had added that bit a tiny bit later than I had posted that.)
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Old 03-22-2009, 08:09 PM
noublipasa noublipasa is offline
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Dutchies are nice those who aren't nice are oldbies : always saying : wow your a noob, wow you suck, ewwww its wehec , run (although they are teaming)... etc

-I think that to increase the playercount we need updates... and ET's connect more often to lock hackers.
-Also Tsunami's holiday idea will (in my opinion) just make the playercount rise alot.
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Old 03-22-2009, 08:28 PM
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Originally Posted by noublipasa View Post
Dutchies are nice those who aren't nice are oldbies : always saying : wow your a noob, wow you suck, ewwww its wehec , run (although they are teaming)... etc

Yea! thats what I'm talking about!
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Old 03-22-2009, 11:08 PM
Ravenblade1979 Ravenblade1979 is offline
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Originally Posted by noublipasa View Post
Dutchies are nice those who aren't nice are oldbies : always saying : wow your a noob, wow you suck, ewwww its wehec , run (although they are teaming)... etc

Wow you must catch them when they are in a good mood. I have seen "dutchies" (as people like to say) calling people noobs, saying they suck etc. So don't try to seperate them from everyone else.

Originally Posted by noublipasa View Post
I think that to increase the playercount we need updates... and ET's connect more often to lock hackers.
Updates are a given and with the ETs connecting more. While the lock would work it would greatly annoy the hackers and they would try even harder to annoy people and break the rules.

Originally Posted by noublipasa View Post
-Also Tsunami's holiday idea will (in my opinion) just make the playercount rise alot.

Probably for the time that this is happening. What about after its over?
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Old 03-22-2009, 11:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Ravenblade1979 View Post

Updates are a given and with the ETs connecting more. While the lock would work it would greatly annoy the hackers and they would try even harder to annoy people and break the rules.
So youre saying we should just let them hack and do nothing?
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Old 03-23-2009, 12:32 AM
noublipasa noublipasa is offline
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Ok I agree dutchies (and me maybe) have been calling other people noobs and stuff... so what ? what makes them so bad? what makes oldbies so good ?

Last edited by noublipasa; 03-23-2009 at 12:34 AM.. Reason: error
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Old 03-23-2009, 07:05 AM
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You just stated what makes dutchies bad, they tend to use crude words for no reason, as well as most of you tend to lame, refuse to talk with a manner in which should be used, you tend to insult others for beating you and of course you've chosen to have obtained yourselves a reputation. This isn't what most oldies are like, they tend to be nice most of the time, though I know some exceptions and times when they aren't though there rare.

@Novice: Most communities on Graal have actually dropped as has it for many other internet games, I just believe that the newer generations have are lacking communication skills and are exceptionally disrespectful.
Originally Posted by Huwajux View Post
The pistols look like they have cancer, reduce the big buboe shaped thing's size.
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Old 03-23-2009, 07:43 AM
noublipasa noublipasa is offline
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Sory Mini but oldbies aren't nice to me.
You (are you an oldbie?) said ewwwww it's wehec when I came on Era.
For me dutchies are nicer than oldbies but maybe it isn't true for everyone.

But instead of crying and saying dutchies destroy the community why don't oldbies come back and we will have like 2 gangs on zone : French people and dutchies vs oldbies and english people. That would be really fun. We actually had that one day : there was flash,conor and me in sweep fleet and there was tenchry, shadow and poizike on the other team. We had alot of 3vs3 good fights and it was really fun.
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Old 03-23-2009, 09:20 AM
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Originally Posted by noublipasa View Post
Sory Mini but oldbies aren't nice to me.
You (are you an oldbie?) said ewwwww it's wehec when I came on Era.
For me dutchies are nicer than oldbies but maybe it isn't true for everyone.

But instead of crying and saying dutchies destroy the community why don't oldbies come back and we will have like 2 gangs on zone : French people and dutchies vs oldbies and english people. That would be really fun. We actually had that one day : there was flash,conor and me in sweep fleet and there was tenchry, shadow and poizike on the other team. We had alot of 3vs3 good fights and it was really fun.
I wish all the oldies would come back, and I only said ewwww it's wehec after you lamed me while I dug shells and I'm sure that Jkool, Supernanny, Tsu and so on are extremely nice.

As for having two gangs, it would be dumb since there would be constant insults and a constant exchanges in words. The easiest thing would be if every changed their attitudes when online.

Then people should learn to do some kind of development work and help staff/management get it done.
I don't want my post deleted but there's a plentiful supply of help being offered to zone, as I'm sure there would be but some people don't wish to allow others to apply their skills onto the server.
Originally Posted by Huwajux View Post
The pistols look like they have cancer, reduce the big buboe shaped thing's size.
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Old 03-23-2009, 11:38 AM
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There have been said much things about Dutchies, but I think that 1 of the problem is that in this generation of Zone players its nice if youre a good lamer, but the oldbees don't agree with that.
We just dont accept each other style off players, but this generation has grown up with laming.
When they started playing zone, they got lamed lamed and lamed, but they didnt quit and go on and became a good player by itself,and then you only want to do 1 thing: Laming to.
We have never seen otherwise we just don't know better.

I also think that all what have been said about the Dutchies is a bit to much, at the other side I fully agree that we WERE terrible, but things have changed and I have changed to, Jurre and I have set up a new Generation, but that time is past.
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Old 03-23-2009, 02:45 PM
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Originally Posted by RevolutionJS View Post
You need to hurry with updates, saturday evening 14 players online, Don't let it come any further.
if we don't do anything it is probally to late.
Take this serious.
Originally Posted by Imperialistic View Post
Translation please?
Stefan, and other staff, you need to hurry with updates!
On Saturday evening, there was only 14 players online. Don't let the playercount drop anymore!
If there are no updates, it is probably too late to save Zone.
Don't think this is a joke.

i don't see why you needed it to be translated.

Originally Posted by pooper200000 View Post
I dislike your pessimism. You always speak of how Zone is going to die, but Zone is still here. It is only because of pessimism such as your pessimism that Zone is going to die.
the fact of the matter is that it is going to die. there's no need to sugarcoat anything. it's going to die, just like how Graal Kingdoms is gradually dying, and Unholy Nation is losing playercount rapidly.

Originally Posted by pooper200000 View Post
We need members who are willing to participate in the community, members willing to be a positive influence on the new members.
you need members for that, to begin with.

i don't see why there's such a big commotion about it, anyways. summer will be here soon enough, students will be on break. you'll see the playercount start to gradually rise as we get into the summer months. it happens every year.
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Old 03-23-2009, 03:42 PM
bahamutstevetff bahamutstevetff is offline
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Zone is going to die, specially with all the completely naff superficial updates, any big updates die within a week, most of the future updates ive heard of are going to follow suit withevery other update.

not to mention ever time i log on, theres just an influx of hackers making playing zone properly impossible.

zone is going to die, you can keep bringing these updates out but you cant polish a turd, especially with a dirty rag.
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Old 03-23-2009, 04:44 PM
Ravenblade1979 Ravenblade1979 is offline
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Originally Posted by RevolutionJS View Post
So youre saying we should just let them hack and do nothing?
I never said that. I said that locking doesn't help any. What you need is Zone Police again.
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