Thread: Suggestions
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Old 02-17-2015, 02:04 AM
Lime_O_Matic Lime_O_Matic is offline
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The problem with today's raiding

As Katbot and Koho mentioned earlier, there was never an incentive to raid when we all did back in the day with over 100 people on everyday. There were bragging rights, massing that you were pissing all over BB's carpets, and talking more trash. However, the bragging rights were maintained if you could actually hold the base. The other gang(s) would meet up at devise a plan to attack the team that just healed to full holding the gang. Somewhere along the way, Era became a fast warp in shoot and die type game with no strategy or team play. When people don't do well, they lose motivation because there is only success through yourself.

My ideas to try and increase raiding
1) Small Custom Gangs, no fee to add or delete a gang, members 5-10 people. Count Gang points as a team forever, weekly, and daily. Give people leaderboards, they want to see how they rank. No point deduction for kicking people, you'll constantly be adding/removing people in this system.
2.Decrease the amount of health you spawn with after death.
3. Increase the amount you heal in a bed (At base) if your gang holds the base. Times 3 or 4 the amount.
4. Everyone always raids at one base. No reason to have more than 1
5. The /weaponkills command needs to become a leaderboard like Zone used to have. Players competing to be #1, top 10, or top 20 with certain guns will make everyone be raiding more.

In my theory, that can all work. Of course the economic class system Era has HIGHLY discourages new players, there is nothing we can do without a reset. And the current players are content with their wealth and not having new players. So there you go.
An Era enthusiast.
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