So... Unholy Nation RPG?
Could you explain to us what this consists of? I mean, what will they do?
Editing existing levels or making new stuff from scratch?
And GATs? Medieval weapons and helmets?
GAT : GAT will need to be able to work with spell graphics (in the event we don't use emitters). Sprite sheets for weapons. It's undecided whether or not we'll go as full into detail as to make armor.
LAT : LAT will need to be able to construct a level off of description or self creativity. I don't expect anything out of the ordinary to pop up, since Graal already has a very fantasy-styled setting.
NAT : NAT will probably have the most involved work to do with the system-- As they usually do. Having an advanced understanding of Gs2 is probably the best qualification skill.
Lol, UN RPG is still being worked on? Or is this a different one aside from Manta's?
I had quite a talk with Bane. He's not been working on it, and has become 'un-interested' in it. I'm going to put an entire team to it and get the thing done right. So, to answer the question- It will be different from the system you've seen (but same concept). It will replace the broken RPG system on the server.
any specific area you need to know to get hired as NAT?'
Just look up in the post. Question answered!