Sorry to double-post, but I've dredged up some scripts that I was working on.
Keep in mind these are kind of amateurish, but I did these while learning on testbed. They're sort of primitive attempts at assembling a battle system from scratch with very little experience. It's mostly for input / output purposes, and testing to make sure numbers are calculated as they should be.
PHP Code:
//d20-Style Attack Roll
function onKeyPressed() {
if (keydown(5)) {
if (client.d20 == 1){ = "Miss! 0 Damage!";
//Melee Attack//
else if (client.d20 == 20){ = "Critical! " @ (client.level+client.atk+client.str+int(random(1,6)))*2 @ " Damage!";
else = client.level+client.atk+client.str+int(random(1,6)) @ " Damage!";
PHP Code:
function onPlayerChats(){
temp.tokens =;
if (tokens[0] == ":setlevel"){
client.level = tokens[1];
client.maxhp = (client.con+client.level)*5;
client.maxmp = (*3;
client.hp = client.maxhp; = client.maxmp;
PHP Code:
function onPlayerChats(){
if( = ":sword"){
client.atktype = "melee";
client.atk = 10;
if( = ":bow"){
client.atktype = "ranged";
client.atk = 6;
if( = ":wand"){
client.atktype = "magic";
client.atk = 4;
if( = ":unarmed"){
client.atktype = "melee";
client.atk = 2;
if( == ":drink poison"){
client.hp -= 5;
else if( == ":drink potion"){
client.hp += 10;
PHP Code:
//Stat Roll
public function Rolld20(){
client.d20 = int(random(1,21));
public function Rolld12(){
client.d12 = int(random(1,13));
public function Rolld10(){
client.d10 = int(random(1,11));
public function RolldPercent(){
client.dpercent = int(random(1,11)*10);
public function Rolld6(){
client.d6 = int(random(1,7));
public function Rolld4(){
client.d4 = int(random(1,5));
PHP Code:
//Stat Display
function onCreated() {
this.img1 = findimg(1);
with (this.img1) {
style = "c";
zoom = 0.75;
function onTimeout() {
with (this.img1) {
text = "Level: " @ client.level @ " " @ client.hp @ " / " @ client.maxhp @ " HP " @ @ " / " @ client.maxmp @ " MP";
x = player.x + 1.5;
y = player.y - 1.5;
Numbers and stuff like that are mainly what I'm interested in working with, though I'm sure with some practice I could easily get used to working with movements and so on as well. I also would like to learn how to work with classes so new object NPCs could possibly be made, and even perhaps dabble in event sequences.
I know I may not be the best for the job compared to others, but I've never had any sort of real mentoring, and it could make a difference.