Originally Posted by samich
Are there any official change logs available? I would really like to see what exactly was improved; as a dev, this matters to me!
as the self-appointed new technical director of graal online i will post the new script capabilities
PHP Code:
$pref::graal::utf8fontfile - string - the font file to use for utf8/unicode text (all code pages starting from 1)
disableapnoheal - boolean - makes it possible to heal if you are below 40 ap
disableapsaint - boolean - makes it possible to hurt the player if having ap 100
enableutf8 - boolean (default: true) - enables utf8/unicode text display
preloadleveldefaulttile - integer - the default tile used for preloading levels, by default 0
addutf8fontrange(str, int, int) - parameters are font file, start page and endpage; this defines a font to use for specific utf8 character pages
aes_decrypt(str, str, str) - returns string - decrypts data, parameters are the AES key, init vector (16 bytes) and the data, which must have a length of multiple of 16
aes_encrypt(str, str, str) - returns string - encrypts data, parameters are the AES key, init vector (16 bytes) and the data, which must have a length of multiple of 16 otherwise it will be filled with null bytes
clearutf8fontranges() - clears all utf8 font files previously defined with addUTF8FontRange()
des_decrypt(str, str) - returns string - decrypts data with DES algorithm, parameters are key and data
des_encrypt(str, str) - returns string - encrypts data with DES algorithm, parameters are key and data
findobject(str) - returns object - finds a global variable
getgamesubversion() - returns string - distribution platform (amazon, googleplay etc.)
gethttprequestforurl(str) - returns object - finds an active http request with the given url
gethttprequests() - returns object
getlastfiledownloadtime() - returns float - the last time a file or a chunk of a file has been received from the Graal server
getlastfilerequesttime() - returns float - the last time a file has been requested from the Graal server
getlastwebdownloadtime() - returns float - the last time a file or a chunk of a file has been received from a web server
getlastwebrequesttime() - returns float - the last time a file has been requested from a web server
getutctime() - returns integer - get's the local time in seconds since 1970, is the same as int(timevar2) on server-side
isstringutf8(str) - returns boolean - checks if a text is in correct UTF8 format (unicode)
rc4_cipher(str, str) - returns string - encrypts or decrypts data, parameters are the RC4 key and the data
rsa_decrypt(str, str) - returns string - decrypts data, parameters are the private RSA key and the data
rsa_encodesignature(str) - returns string - encodes a signature in DER format with SHA1 container (for verification)
rsa_encrypt(str, str) - returns string - encrypts data, parameters are the public RSA key and the data
rsa_sign(str, str) - returns string - generates a signature, parameters are the private RSA key and the data, the data usual is a hash of the actual data
rsa_verify(str, str, str) - returns boolean - verififies a signature, parameters are the public RSA key, the data and the signature
sha256(str) - returns string - calculates a sha256 hash on the specified string
saveimagetostring(str) - returns string - returns the raw image data, parameter is a filename to specify the image type (.png, .jpg, .bmp)
saveimagetostring2(str, int) - returns string - returns the raw image data, parameter is a filename to specify the image type (.png, .jpg, .bmp), second parameter is the bitdepth (24 or 32)
gamefile - string (read only) - the data will be saved as gamefile under this filename
lastdatatime - float (read only) - time when data has been received by the HTTP server
sslcipherlist - string - sets the SSL encryption and integrity check (e.g. AES-128-MD5)
sslprotocol - string - sets the SSL protocol (SSLv3, TLSv1 etc.), but normally not needed
sslverifycert - string - sets the SSL verification certificate or certificate chain (buffer not file)
PHP Code:
putcomp(str, float, float)
putnewcomp(str, float, float, str, int)
theres a couple of neat small things that would benefit servers that use default systems, but it looks like default compus baddies were removed even though stefan knew full well they are still used on un