Originally Posted by Crono
No seriously, we could have done that just fine before but with the influx of changes (however long that'll take) and more importantly the popularity of the iPhone servers, calling Graal dead now would be retarded.
topic states "PC GRAAL IS DOOMED" but is taking the iPod version into account.. I mean, it could be counted as a personal computer I suppose but in my opinion they are two
different /separated things, only hosting the same social network type game..
When I think of PC Graal as dying, I take a look at how many servers you could see on the login in the past.. Bravo, Doomsday, Auroria, Klaria, and a whole bunch of others I never bothered to get into.. There were more varieties of servers, and P2P didn't hold anyone back from joining. Now all the servers are so technical, it seems no point in actually starting the server because everyone has so much more than you.. It wasn't exactly like going out of OSL and dying in a few seconds from someone so much more powerful than yourself.
I've played Era, UN, and slightly GK in the past, I honestly have no clue how to get money or anything on Era or UN, and GK ... well I never got past the tutorial from the five years going off and on trying, unsure what to do in ether of the servers. At least Zone and Classic you can hop on and figure it out easily. Classic even pinpoints quests I believe "Or at least the grave since I refuse to get the sword" ^.^;
I also love the fact that Graal is a Developing type platform ... which now not everyone can have access to..
Originally Posted by Crono
I would like to see our dear Classic back asap and I wanna see the news spread to the iPhone folks. It hurts me to say it because they're all kids and are going to be very annoying but playercount is indeed playercount.
p.s old playerlist on v6 pls.
They may be annoying, but most of them are much more nicer and less anal than most PC players. I have met a few nice people on this forum ... maybe about four.. And I've even met Thor on PC, who is very kind... Most of the people on the forum, since I've been able to to post, have feuded with each other, or have been mostly rude to others.
I however cannot speak for all of the iPod popularity.. there are a few people who strive to troll. And who knows, maybe the iPod version has just as many anal people, but the rest of the 800? more people make up for it.
I can only assume because the servers are newer, and most new people are nicer, that there is a great chance iPod could become as mean as PC in a few years if they lose their ability to attract new people..
Point is, I love iPod, miss the ability to have a lot of people developing without paying and the many different server types you could have on PC.
Sadly I spend more time on PC working then I do on iPod.
Wouldn't it be easier to create a forum thread for "PC Graal is dying" posts and avoid them, rather then trying to deter half the population from creating them?