Originally Posted by Seeya
do you really see any new players, she gets to a god damn good point. we need some paid quality development, im not saying we dont have possibly 3-4 good developers on graal, but we could buy this level of quality of cyberjouers wanted to spend a nickel on graal.
It hasn't even said anything that hasn't been mentioned to death around here. (Server's aren't noob friendly, Observer Mode Sucks, etc.)
Yeah and I do notice new players, but a lot of them leave after getting sent into Observer Mode, which isn't something you have to hire.
Here's some stats that I've been collecting for a month now..
Zodiac Player Statistics:
Unique Logins: 1606
Trials: 749
Upgraded from Trial: 15
Hours Spent Total: 10563 (Spent on the server by playercount)
Hours Spent Avg.: 6