Originally Posted by fowlplay4
According to Stefan, Era PC was doing some very intensive **** with objects resulting in almost 3 GB of RAM usage and plenty of timeouts when players aren't around.
This is entirely possible, I found this kind of stuff on Era many times and often suspected it was impacting other servers. Usually it's an easy fix that's caused by something stupid. For example, one time the NPC that spawns trash on the overworld created thousands of NPCs joined to "" since it was using randomstring to decide which class to spawn, and somebody had removed all except one of the trash classes from the list (recall that randomstring (used to?) have a problem with lists with only one item).
The memstats commands Stefan added are very useful in finding these things if you can get the NPC-server responsive for long enough to investigate. I think in every case it ended up with too much memory being used and was seldom a CPU problem (even though that's the first place people usually look since the CPU time listing in stats is a little misleading if you don't understand it fully).
Stefan should really look into a way to limit the amount of memory a single server can use. At the very least, it should be very vocal when exceeding a certain threshold (when I first started on Era, it was usually using 1+ GB, when I left it was closer to 250 MB, at various times I've seen it up to 3+ GB).