All new clients are apparently still displaying showpoly 50 tiles south of where it's supposed to be (if it's level-relative, not screen-relative).
For example:
PHP Code:
function onCreated() {
showpoly(200, {x, y, x + 5, y, x + 5, y + 5, x, y + 5});
changeimgvis(200, 3);
This will display the showpoly, except it will be ~50 tiles south of the correct y coordinate.
Edit: Hiding that task bar fixes this problem, still needs to be fixed though.
Edit: Also, external windows need to open at the correct x/y as stated by the script. So, if I did x = 100; y = 300; in the script, that's where it should open. Right now it is opening at top left corner in mac and mousex/mousey in windows.
Edit: External windows need some sort of showtop() to bring the window to the front of the screen. Also an alwaysontop=true; would be very helpful.
Edit: Appears that just resizing the GraalControl's y fixes the y coordinate issue, not just closing the task bar.