Originally Posted by Loriel
I am still not sure what layers would actually be used for.
A lot. The thing that annoys me about layers is how much
wasted potential they have right now. I've played around with layers a lot, and while I found I could do a lot with them, it's almost impossible to because I'd have to manually do the layers in wordpad. No to mention what Crono said, it just makes it a lot easier to do casual tiling. no need for a dozen different tiles just for different terrains. No need to have NPCs for treetops anymore since they'd be able to be drawn over different terrains and display over the player. Simple stuff like that is just so tasty. Tasty.
Especially in the next version when Stefan adds a layer drawing value to the actual layers. I mean, layers are used in most 2D games since the support for it. For a reason, right?