Originally Posted by kia345
From my latest negative rep, not a private message:
"When will you understand that using rights we have is not abusing? -Darlene"
I have a few negrep from them as well, she's actually the one who dropped me into the red.
Originally Posted by xAzerothx
They're using their given powers to their advantage. That's abusing.
We should be able to see who gives us reputations if its not abuse.
No, normally rep systems work. It's just bad here because the users have very few powers, and the mods can counteract at least 5 people's repping.
Originally Posted by Darlene159
It's not abuse if we are using the right which it was intended, which we do. I would do it more often if it werent so high. I have asked several times that it be lowered because I dont believe it to be fair. unixmad said in the very beginning what we had, and you better be nice, lol
Look it up. I believe he called it the forums driving license.
You repped someone for getting a rep you didn't think they deserved, countering someone else's (and damaging their rep, since yours is so much better). That's not right.
The president can sign a bill that would improve the company he has stocks in. It's not illegal, but does that make it right?
I'm all for following the rules this time around, but don't make it so hard by abusing your abilities. Staff on forums can warp people around, doesn't mean they should do it every chance they get.