in my Quest of fixing Zone; i noticed that someone have cleaned out the ServerFlags; which means that there's a lot of others script that broke because it can't find the flags.
for an instance, you can't add any ET's anymore because you would have to add them thu serverflags, but those flags doesnt exist in there anymore, so u would have to go thu a 1'000 lines of code to retrive those again.
going onto a team thu scripting and taking all bases and winning worked fine; it's just the teleporter that i assume is broke because of the missing server flags, but i dont know. i'm not sure why you can't see how many is on a planet anymore, im still wondering who the **** edited these stuffs when Zone lost it's manager.
unbelievable. the guy who did it should get banned already.. (some1 check logs, meh ).
Edit: it appears this have been done on Debug too