Originally Posted by alexandralove
A little feature to show the remaining ammount of mines left of the vehicle you are driving wouldn't hurt.
I don't understand why that is so important. When I'm on zone, you either have mines, or you don't. Nobody sets one mine in one place, then gets off the bike. Even if they do get off the bike though, the bike resets and it has 5 again. You need about 5 to kill someone to begin with, so using any less than that amount is simply foolish.
Originally Posted by alexandralove
-Vehicles repairing hangout, including maybe new protections that you can buy for your vehicle, some upgradings and further more, adding more mines to your vehicle if you don't have any ?
A repair hangout is... not too bad of an idea, I guess. Still, I don't see the need to have to repair a vehicle... since there are so many you can steal on Iciria. Unless its for another planet and another vehicle, like a mech.. then perhaps it could work.
Originally Posted by alexandralove
-New vehicles abilities. Don't know yet how you'd be able to do that, but maybe something to add to your vehicle to make it fly, a bit like jetpacks ?
The speeder could fly, but thats not what you mean.. now is it. Still, that'd make the vehicle harder to hit (unless tazed), and they already have a good chunk of life. Maybe adding a machine gun wouldn't be so bad.. but at that point you may as well just let the person on the vehicle shoot with their gun while they drive.
Originally Posted by alexandralove
New player power up and equipment giving more stats.
I would love to see this added, and I'm of course ready to help on this mostly:
Player equipments:
-Bandana/Beret/Helmet/Gas Mask
-Anything else
I actually thought of that once, but it probably isnt a good idea. It may imbalance the game too much and it can cause a lot of madness. It's best to balance everything else before doing something like that.
Originally Posted by alexandralove
New planets
I believe a dropship battleground would be cool
No! Zone has enough planets :/ . Perhaps more events is what you mean, but for the actual planets.. there are enough, if not -too many- planets right now.
Overall, not that bad. I'm glad someone wants to lend some ideas out to Zone anyway..