Hello, I'm Omake the new Manager of Valikorlia. Valikorlia is in a transitional period and will hopefully be getting a long awaited update in a few months. We were planning on updating to GS2, however our only NAT decided to take the progress he made and quit to work on a dev server under the previous management
. If you're up for a challenge, converting us to GS2, creating a cool system involving optional PKing that will not stifle roleplaying. Valikorlia is unique in that we need a great, functioning system that will bring in PVP combat, an economy and lots of other fun things to use such as fully-functional boats, airships, and more, while at the same time not hindering our enforced Roleplaying rules. If you're up for a challenge, and if you're interested in working with a great, highly motivated staff team, please leave a reply.