Darklux's thread fell into a bit of confusion but no worries, it's all sorted out. The following 9 people are taking part in this collaboration:
- Darklux
- Dusty (DustyPorViva)
- Crow
- Chompy
- Neo (Deas_Voice)
- Crono
- Chris (cbk1994)
- Mystic (MysticX2X)
- Imperialistic
Instructions and Guidelines
The current map and assigned levels is shown below.
Attached in .zip format is the 3x3 gmap. It contains the tileset, gmap file (both which are already set by each level), and of course the levels themselves. In the top left of every level, there is an npc containing the following script:
PHP Code:
//Level designed by Account (Nickname)
Fill out your Account and Nickname so we can know who did what.
Do not work outside of your level, even if it's only 1 tile. We can fix errors at the very end.
We will be working from top left to down right, following Rufus' example:
This means I finish my level first, post it, and then whoever owns b1 and a2 (Crow) expand from whatever I make. When these two are finished, c1 (Dusty), b2 (Darklux), and a3 (Mystic) expand from what they make. c2 (Chris) and b3 then work on their parts, and finally c3 (Neo) does the last level. If you've got any further questions just post them in this thread.
And it's finished! Finally.
I decided to keep the thread as it is for future reference, hopefully in the near future more people will take part in these collabs and understand how to do them.