01-31-2008, 05:45 AM
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 215
Application: PaperMario (Zone Forums)
Hi. I am Hato, and I have been around Zone and it's forums since about 2005 to present day.
I've applied for this job because I believe that alot of things on our current Zone forums, and topics that have inappropriately been posted or created have yet to be deleted (Some have.). Our fellow Zone players also need to understand that the forums are for discussing the issues and suggestions of Zone, not to flame eachother like crazy.
I am a frequent viewer of the Zone forums, and a contributer (Ganis) to the Zone community. I hope to further contribute to Zone's forum community by helping to moderate it.
Thank you,
- Hato |
Haha, I love small text. It's so funny because nobody can read it.