Originally Posted by bigcity
I don't understand why this is not a priority to fix this. I understand asking for a bug to be fixed on graal is like a comical joke. However,this is making graal a chore to play. Its been months now. Please fix
It's been much much more then months
Originally Posted by Spiker
Because the owner of the game doesn't care about the game anymore. If this isn't absolutely obviously from the issues in the past, idk what is.
He said he was going to hire a new main programmer, and look how far that got. Even if we got a forum post saying he isn't pursuing this game anymore would be ****ing fantastic.
We actually don't know if they have hired a lead programmer yet. However they do show some care towards the game as to let FowlPlay4 maintain the external rc. If it wasn't for them caring about that we would be forced to use internal-rc (f6).
Now this game has been around for a long time. It has had pretty much 1 lead programmer to my knowledge. This isn't just a position that you can take lightly, you can't just hire anyone of the streets. If they truly didn't care about the game what would there reason be for not "cashing out" right now. Spawning items in the game selling them to players, ruining the economy/community and bailing on the game selling out to the first person to offer cash. Whether you wan't to believe if or not the mobile community is still apart of "the game". And there business model there seems to be doing alright.