I'm experiencing some really bad serverside lag on my UC playerworld 'Serenity.' I've noticed that it is taking classes anywhere from 20-90+ seconds to load on login. I don't think it's any of my code as nothing has changed since last night when it was working fine. I've restarted the NPC-Server and that did not help. Is anyone else experiencing the same thing or have any suggestions on things to try? I have a limited amount of time each week to play around on it so when things like this happen it really hinders my ability to do anything. I just need to figure out if it's user error or an issue that others are experiencing.
edit: added /stats
PHP Code:
GServer statistics:
Server uptime: 679 hrs 14 mins
Max supported players: 16384
Sleeptime (secs/min): 59401
Connection tries (last min): 3
Players-in (byte/l.m.): 4723
Players-out (byte/l.m.): 6433
RCs-in (byte/last min): 123
RCs-out (byte/last min): 2505
NPCServer-in (byte/l.m.): 14569
NPCServer-out (byte/l.m.): 5448
ServerList-in (byte/l.m.): 4045
ServerList-out (byte/l.m.): 0
Player-avrg-in (bit/sec): 257
Player-avrg-out (bit/sec): 1472
TSockets-in (byte/l.m.): 0
TSockets-out (byte/l.m.): 0
Levels: 3
Players: 1
RCs: 2
NPCServers: 1
ServerListers: 1
Memory (bytes): 2668536
Players connecting: 0
Script engine: 0 event objects, 3 destroyed objects, 1 static objects, 6 global variables, 3 script machines
NPC-Server statistics:
Server uptime: 0 hrs 58 mins
Sleeptime (secs/min): 56515
Scriptime (last min): 56600
Connectiontries (last min): 0
NCs-in (byte/last min): 87
NCs-out (byte/last min): 0
GServer-in (byte/l.m.): 12744
GServer-out (byte/l.m.): 15007
TSockets-in (byte/l.m.): 0
TSockets-out (byte/l.m.): 0
Levels: 75
Active Levels: 13
NPCs: 195
Active Objects: 0
DB-NPCs: 5
NPC-Placeholder: 15
Projectiles: 0
Players: 3
NC count: 1
GServers: 1
Memory (bytes): 5313240
Top 10 of npcs taken most CPU time:
1. 13.443266948 % -*System/Inventory
2. 0.002356767 % -*System/Combat
3. 0.001707474 % -*System/Regeneration
4. 0.000168482 % Control-NPC
5. 0.000164906 % -*System/ImageUploader
6. 0.000023444 % npcs[200] (in level central_a-3.nw at pos (53, 10)) (object_tree)
7. 0.000016689 % npcs[180] (in level central_a-2.nw at pos (50, 0)) (object_sign)
8. 0.000008344 % npcs[181] (in level central_a-2.nw at pos (24, 10)) (object_tree)
9. 0.000006755 % npcs[202] (in level central_a-3.nw at pos (35, 23)) (object_tree)
10. 0.000006357 % npcs[208] (in level central_a-3.nw at pos (47, 61)) (object_tree)
Most used classes:
1. object_tree: 108 times
2. object_waterrock: 26 times
3. object_rock: 7 times
4. object_rock4: 7 times
5. functions_sql: 4 times
6. object_rock2: 4 times
7. object_rock3: 4 times
8. object_sign: 2 times
9. object_rock5: 2 times
10. : 1 times
Script engine: 0 event objects, 2 destroyed objects, 0 static objects, 36 global variables, 4 script machines
PHP Code:
Memory taken by objects: 2053240
EDIT 2: I've determined it's an issue with the server by commenting out everything.