Important! Read before posting.
NPC Scripting Forum Rules
It is your responsibility to ensure that you follow these rules in every post you make in the NPC Scripting forums and all subforums. Otherwise your threads or posts may be edited, deleted, or worse, you may be banned from the forums. If you do not agree with these terms, then you are not welcome here. All other forum rules apply in this subforum too.
These rules are in place to aid new users, create a suitable environment and to prevent disruptive behavior.
1. Be clear on your ability level. In other words,
do not post asking for scripts, or asking people to fix scripts that are above your ability level. If you are writing a script to aid learning, then try writing a simpler script. If you are looking for a script for a server, then the best solution is probably to hire a scripter.
2. Similarly,
do not just post whole scripts for people as a response to their difficulties. If you wish to post a wordy solution, then please feel free; however, please do not post things that people can just copy and paste. It isn't helping people to learn just by doing so. If you'd like to show off your scripts to others, post them in the Code Gallery subforum.
3. Please
do not ask for help for your playerworlds by posting in the NPC Scripting subforum. The correct place is the Playerworld Staff Hiring Forum.
4. Please
keep threads related to the topic, and do not post questions in a thread that is not related to what it is that you are asking. Doing so will only create confusion, and make it harder for people to locate solutions that have already been posted. Do not spam, cause disruption or start arguments. Such posts will just be deleted, and will possibly warrant a forum ban.
5. If you aren't sure what you are doing,
please don't post a solution. By posting bad advice, you are causing confusion and the thread will likely dissolve into an argument.
6. When submitting new scripts to the Code Gallery, please try to
only submit the current Graal script language.However, if your submission is in GScript1, please label that it is GScript1 in the thread title.
Posting Guidelines
If you are new to the NPC Scripting forum, then the following guidelines will help you to get settled in and to receive more positive feedback from existing users.
1. If your query is related specifically to the new engine or the old engine, then please post it in the relevant NPC Scripting subforum. If you aren't entirely sure or your query relates to both scripting sections, then please post it in the main NPC Scripting forum. If we feel that a thread is more closely related to one engine, then we may move the thread into the appropriate NPC Scripting subforum.
2. If you are going to post code, please use [php] tags provided by the forum. The [php] tags made it easier to identify where code is being posted, and will make the code easier to read.
3. Similarly, please only post the relevant code. If you know which section of the code is not functioning as expected, then please delete the surrounding code that you know is not causing a problem. This tends to encourage a faster and more accurate response, since users can see exactly where you are having a problem.
4. Try and give threads a suitable name. Forum regulars are more likely to ignore a thread titled "help", where a name like "Public function problem" is likely to attract more attention.
5. Before posting a thread, check that a solution has not already been posted. You can look through the forums manually to see recent posts, or use the forum's in-built Search feature to search through threads.
6. Ensure that your code is of a suitable style. Make sure that it follows a suitable set of formatting guidelines (if you are not sure on a sensible way to style your script, please see Also check out the advice thread ( for links related to scripting that may be useful.