02-24-2011, 02:38 PM
Zone Rank : God
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: FRANCE! FTW
Posts: 357
G. wars
Did anyone, tryed to play on G wars recently?
the planet seems to be F***ed
> Join a team. then you enter the battlefield.
> after a few second, you are warped on the dropship : cause : "Not enought player for a game."
> And THEN... evry 4 or 5 seconde, if you stay on this planet's dropship.
You will be warped in the beginning of the dropship again, and again, and again...
> One way to escape this... Run as fast as you can in the "Zone_start" and choose an other planet
Well it's hard to explain just try .
> Join a team on guild wars , and you will see. |