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Old 01-31-2011, 04:14 AM
Doahh_p2p Doahh_p2p is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 187
Doahh_p2p is on a distinguished road
Hiring Developers for Dev Doahh_p2p.

Dev Doahh_p2p is Hiring
I am currently looking for Scripters and Indoor Level Artists, but all applicants will be considered.
The storyline of my server involves the original Graal The Adventure. People could run around and do whatever they felt like doing, and could still had an organized quest structure. There will be some slight order that the quests need to be done in, but there will be quite a few quests that can be done whenever.

Current Staff:
Well, I'm alone as the only staff member right now.
I have previously worked as a Levels Artist on a few classic servers, and many many private servers. My indoor levels... Suck. I don't script at all. My Graphics abilities end at making basic tiles in the tileset.

The Current Systems:
I would like to thank Dusty and his dump of the Classic Remake he was making for all the systems I currently have. From the Movement, to the bombs, the cliff climbing, to the water walking, he scripted it all.

Current Progress:
I have quite a few of the level outlines done, and all the cliffing for the to be released section of the overworld. The basic systems are done (Thanks again to Dusty) except for a few little tweaks that need to happen. I have some thoughts as far as the first few quests go, but would really like to have someone to bounce ideas off of who can script, or make indoor levels.

What needs to be started/completed:
The dashing system has a few little bugs with getting stuck in diagonal tiles (Can be seen in video when it uploads.)
Baddies need to be created
Quests need to be thought up, and then created
More weapons need to be thought of and then created
Overworld needs to be finished
All indoor levels (Other than the few seen in the video) need to be created
Events need to be created (Off in the future)

My plans for the server:
Currently I want to target this as a collaborative iPhone/Mobile AND PC server, where both sets of players can intermingle and hang out with each other. I want to have a Guild battle system a la Graal the Adventure with Fortresses and huge guild battles, like they used to be years back.

How to apply:
I would like you to have a few past examples of your work, as well as a special task I assign you to do after you first contact me. You can contact me on AIM, TheDoahh, through Email TheRealDoahh @ nospam gmail dot com, or you can log into Dev Doahh_p2p and PM my client. Please leave contact info if you do so I can get back to you if I'm asleep or AFK. There is a chance you may recieve compensation for you work in the form of Gleats for the Graal Shop.


Those screenshots are a few weeks old, and the updated stuff can be seen in the Video (Uploading as I type...)
Feel free to ask me any questions you want.

Last edited by Doahh_p2p; 01-31-2011 at 05:04 AM..
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