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Old 03-13-2012, 12:16 PM
killer_dog10 killer_dog10 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 132
killer_dog10 is on a distinguished road
Well I guess I'll give it a shot here are some things you might be able to work with I have nothing else to do since I lag to much to do the Christmas dungeon so I all I can do for now is read while buying scrolls Dx

How about automatic hourly events so you can give more people a chance to get items instead of only at prime time.... Or at least a another way for people to get items such as the Christmas token shop.

Better level design.... No need to have a tiny bit of lag only to be destroyed when you jump down to the next level in the Christmas dungeon.

Maybe more types of blessings per god. Such as if you follow bile you can go up the the alter and player for different types of blessing like ghosthit or acid. Maybe even have different types of blessings that can bless things like wands for extra pray or magic regen or even blessings that lower food depletion.
Don't make new gods just give them more options. Maybe even blessings for armor pieces like magic resists or other types of non damage dealing blessings. More to this ideal is more non-damage dealing weapon blessings that can span across different types of resists.

A way to look up any item would be nice. Like a GUI interface that allows to to click on a weapons selection and you can just browse though to see the different stuff.

No traps in front of bomb trade.... It's just annoying when people do it and it lags the server.

For new players maybe more permanent level dungeons (or a better ideal have stronger monsters deeper in the main GK dungeon)but I guess that's it was treasure maps are for even though i cant seem to get them to work where there was snow on the ground.

Also for new players maybe it would be wise to have easier to get armor/weapons. Reason being I have notice new players get into the game they get discouraged when they find out it only from events and that the events hosted are nowhere close to their timezone and they literately can't do anything unless someone gives them the skills and stuff just to kill monsters. At least like maybe a main dungeon shop and sells weaker/somewhat decent armor but still gives new players a goal to collect the main dungeon tokens to gain armors and weapons so they have more time to ween into the event stuff. Really anything that gives new players a goal to work forward to instead of having to play the game and learning the odd things like alchemy or buying scrolls in shops to make money.

More muli-magic resist gear...Like maybe new rings that give 10 to all resist or something because it's silly that some people can fight vamp guards with melee but then some weak monster casts some magic and shreds them apart.

Maybe a way to we can trade gelats? So that people who can't afford RL money can buy game time with game money.

Last edited by killer_dog10; 03-13-2012 at 12:40 PM.. Reason: I forget