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Old 04-26-2015, 09:43 AM
bradigger bradigger is offline
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Originally Posted by cyan3 View Post
It is a little bit ironic though, Linux now has more support for video games than It ever has and it seems that one of the games that has always, in a sense pioneered gaming on Linux may drop support for it all together.
Very well said. I feel this way as well. I remember when I first tried GNU/Linux and my favorite game (Graal) was already available. In hindsight, that's actually kinda mind-blowing. Nothing else I played was really available on the platform at that time, and as you said gaming on GNU/Linux is better now than it ever was. A quarter of the games on Steam have been ported, and now here I am unable to play Graal, a game I played on Ubuntu 7.04 several years ago.

I think I'm gonna put all my eggs in the "let us get on with the old client" basket. If the issue is lack of programmers or funding or whatnot, just get rid of this wall you have created. I understand that the wall is due to some sort of security issue, and forcing everyone to update is for their own, and others', good. If the GNU/Linux community is such a small portion of the Graal community, than this shouldn't be that big of a deal if we're the only ones on with an old client.

The GNU/Linux client had its fair share of issues and clearly WIP things over the years. A lot of things just didn't work how they probably should've. That feeling was always clear, but it didn't stop me from playing the game as well as everyone else. The fact that I'm now cut off completely makes me feel betrayed. I put up with the partially broken client that often had graphical issues and didn't always let you change options properly just to play my favorite game, and now I can't even use that janky client if I want to.

Can we get someone official in here to tell us what's going on? I feel that people are being deceitful in the current situation. This has gone on far too long. If it continues to go on I just know that people will give up, and I'll surely lose my house on Era. Sure, there's an obvious issue and a bit of time has gone by, but if it becomes a year or two, I can't imagine they'll keep my house safe.