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Old 11-29-2008, 08:55 PM
WhiteDragon WhiteDragon is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
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WhiteDragon is a splendid one to beholdWhiteDragon is a splendid one to beholdWhiteDragon is a splendid one to beholdWhiteDragon is a splendid one to beholdWhiteDragon is a splendid one to behold
Here's my entry...
Basically, there are a few coefficients that you can tweak at the top to change how it acts and probably get a bit closer to "real" than what I did, but the physics are pretty exact.
I did take a whole lot of things out of what real ice skating physics would be because we only have a certain level of control (i.e., we can't change what angles the skates are pointing at or exactly how much power we want per stroke), but I made a few estimations as to how to replicate what a normal person would do.

And the code:
PHP Code:
function onCreated() {
this.velocity = {0,0,0}; // inital velocity vector
this.power 1// power per stroke (should be less than 1 or you might get weird results)
this.friction .95// friction coefficient
this.collision = -.5// collision coefficient

this.scale .5// velocity -> tiles

this.foot 1// current foot


onTimeout() {
  if (
keydown(0) || keydown(1) || keydown(2) || keydown(3)) { // if a key is pressed
if (this.cooldown <= 0) { // if the cooldown is finished
      // alternate current foot
this.foot = -this.foot;

// set the ani, would make more sense if I had one for each foot, but just sticking with defaults
// set the direction
player.dir getdir((keydown(3)-keydown(1)), (keydown(2)-keydown(0)));

// normalized movement vector based on key input
temp.movement vectornormalize({(keydown(3)-keydown(1)), (keydown(2)-keydown(0)), 0});
// rotate movement vector slightly based on which foot the stroke is coming from and how fast the player is traveling
temp.movement getvectorfromangles(getanglesfromvector(temp.movement)[0]+this.foot*vectorlen(this.velocity)^2.5/80);
// scale movement vector
temp.movement vectorscale(temp.movementthis.power);

// add the movement vector to the player velocity vector
this.velocity vectoradd(this.velocitytemp.movement);
// add a cooldown variable until next stroke based on how fast the player is traveling
this.cooldown int(vectorlen(this.velocity)*2);
    } else { 
  } else {
this.cooldown--; // decrease cooldown

if (vectorlen(this.velocity) < .1) { // just so it doesn't do a bunch of calculations for more or less no reason
this.velocity = {0,0,0};
  } else {
this.velocity vectorscale(this.velocitythis.friction); // apply the friction coefficient

    // collision detection

    for (
temp.1temp.<= temp.ttemp.i++) { // partition the checking into temp.t parts
      // if the next point is not on a wall
if (!onwall2(player.x+((this.velocity[0]*this.scale)/temp.t), player.y+((this.velocity[1]*this.scale)/temp.t), 23)) {
// move onto the next point
player.+= (this.velocity[0]*this.scale)/temp.t;
player.+= (this.velocity[1]*this.scale)/temp.t;
      } else {
// scale the vector with the collision coefficient
this.velocity vectorscale(this.velocitythis.collision);

The coefficients I set should more or less replicate a player with ice skates on.

For a player with ice skates off I would probably use the following constants:
PHP Code:
  this.power .1// power per stroke (should be less than 1 or you might get weird results)
this.friction .99// friction coefficient
this.collision = -.1// collision coefficient 
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