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Old 05-22-2014, 11:52 PM
Rave_J Rave_J is offline
Graal Developer
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Texas
Posts: 848
Rave_J can only hope to improve
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why not just go back to the only gang system that works since era history ?
Have gangs that sell gang weapons and gang ammo (gang weapons not gang locked) and make it where you can only buy the gang weapon and ammo from a gang member.
So gangs can be profitable too, Did no one wonder why their was ammo to stock or mines for gangs ?
One example was LC had the hyper shell gun that sell hyper shell ammo. Might cost a gang member 10k to buy it and they sell it to the public for 20k etc their is profit margin but you can also make it where only high ranks can buy and sell thought. Maybe you can throw themes into gangs as well like Vampire gang in the sewers, a bank robber gang in the subway or BB their hideout would be in the subway. etc There tons of things that era hasn't done yet
Graal Developer
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