Thread: My Resignation.
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Old 08-27-2002, 12:27 AM
Jinx Jinx is offline
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My Resignation.

I have decided, after some thought, that once school starts, I will be leaving the PWA, and Graal for the most part.

Graal has already taken up a lot of my time that I should have been spending on school work, I want to change that this year.

I have looked long and hard for a replacement to hire for the PWA, once I leave, but nearly everyone that I deem capable for the job is ethier working as a high staff on a server, or is no longer playing graal and has no p2p account. I have decided that I will let Nemesis decide who will be my replacement.

The job of PW Reviewer/Inspector has been a lot of fun. I hope everyone thinks I did a good job at it, even though it was tough with no p2p account(Yes, I've been logged in here through forums, and on my trial account I didn't get the global warpto powers x.x), but I did my best.

I wish good luck to Cynical and Renegade, hope they pass Nemesis's review and get online. They really were good servers. I also wish luck to all future servers that will submit some day.

Although I am pretty much leaving graal, I will still be on AIM a lot(My AIM can be found in my profile), and I will visit these forums every now and then, as long as my cookies stay alive.

Again, I will be leaving my job here once school starts, which is NEXT tuesday(September 3rd).

G'bye, it's been fun. =)

Confucious2002: Cynical passed it's 2nd review! <3
InsaneFishP0sse: Yea =) Now if only Nemesis weren't dead
Confucious2002: *pokes nem*
InsaneFishP0sse: He got a severe paper cut last week and died of blood loss, very sad
Confucious2002: so unix took over his body?
InsaneFishP0sse: No, actually it was the NPC Server,
InsaneFishP0sse: Now if you PM Nemesis, he will go "I am Nemesis, the PW Admin, I handle almost all Playerworlds currently online"
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