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Old 06-13-2002, 12:19 AM
Jinx Jinx is offline
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Farelands: Review


There's an onlinestartlocal!

However, I don't think it's a very good onlinestartlocal compared to most. It's a small room that asks you to choose your class: Mage, Warrior, Wizard, Dark Wizard, Demon, or Paladin.
(What's the difference between Mage and Wizard?).

When you touch the NPC for a class, it says "Description here". It says that for all of the classes. And at least have different gifs for the different classes, they are all represented here by gray statue gifs.

After that you are warped to another room where you pick your nation, 5 possible nations. Again, none of them have descriptons for them.

Now I am out on the actual world. The playerworld is about 300 levels big. Only 4 or 5 of them have content in them. The rest are blank, created by the level generator.

However, the owner has explained this to me. He want's the players to create their own houses and buildings to go there.

This isn't enough though. More will still need to be done. Make a few towns on your own(The levels that the owner did make look pretty cool,), add a few quests. There will need to be some inside levels, and a quest or two, and some NPCs you can interact with.

The owner will at least need to add some tiling to the levels he want's to leave open for player creations. Add some trees to the levels, some grass tiles, etc.

Overall I think this server has some good potential, the few levels that were done, were done well. But the rest can't just be left blank to hope that players will fill it up with good quality levels.
If the staff keep working on it, I think it will soon have a good chance.

Farelands Status: Fail

Confucious2002: Cynical passed it's 2nd review! <3
InsaneFishP0sse: Yea =) Now if only Nemesis weren't dead
Confucious2002: *pokes nem*
InsaneFishP0sse: He got a severe paper cut last week and died of blood loss, very sad
Confucious2002: so unix took over his body?
InsaneFishP0sse: No, actually it was the NPC Server,
InsaneFishP0sse: Now if you PM Nemesis, he will go "I am Nemesis, the PW Admin, I handle almost all Playerworlds currently online"
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