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Old 03-11-2002, 08:32 AM
LilNiglet LilNiglet is offline
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Re: Proof Unixmad spilled coffee on the keyboard!

Originally posted by JinZero
I was in France and I was liek hiding in a bush, and I saw Stefans and Unixmad's office, so liek I went to the window and I saw Unixmad shouting at his computer and he spilled coffee on it and it was liek funny. (Picture drew by Shadrock, when me, him, Cloud X, and Marle drew pictures of people doing stupid things, I won't post the URL to the posts we made, because some people now would find them to be mean)
It's REALLY easy to find the post, if you are smart. All it is is a bit of copy and paste.

haha, fun tiems#@!
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