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Old 11-27-2015, 06:05 AM
Zerith Zerith is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2012
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Posts: 29
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Hiring for Delteria V2

Greetings fellow Graalians!

We are currently hiring both Developers and Scripters to help us piece together our ambitious goals.

But to start off, I'd like to humbly express my gratitude to all of our long-standing supporters. Honestly, thank you so much..

I know that Delteria has had it's share of obstacles and unfulfilled promises, and for that, I apologize. Sincerely. But dwelling in the past won't do any of us any good. Because we are all Graalians alike, I'd like to step beyond that, and move forward. Together. I'm reaching out to potential developers that wants to share in the achievement of Delteria releasing for all mobile devices.

Those of you that have either played Delteria in the past, or are currently a Delterian, have most likely seen the potential that this server holds. With that being said,

Let's continue by showcasing (to those that haven't played Delteria yet) a few of our current features that you can find and enjoy on Delteria.

1. Our Merchant and Shop system!

Our shop system is very neat and tidy and is a very friendly user-friendly interface.

2. Our Perk system!

Even though some of the perks aren't currently in working condition, I can assure you that they are being worked on. This is one of the things that we would love more help with because we intend on create 2 branches of skill styles within a class.

3. Our very own Market!

In the market, you will find various tabs to help fit multiple circumstances.

4. Our Questing system!

5. Our Lending system!

If you have a buddy that wants to borrow a weapon, you can lend it to them with complete reassurance that your item will not be stolen or scammed off of you.

But honestly, I know many are concerned with what we have planned for the future. Here are a few of our projects.

1. A Storyline!

While many of us have seen this before, I'd like to reassure everybody that we are half-way done and need just that extra bit of help to finish it faster. You can click HERE to view the storyline premise. We'd also like to implement a multiplayer 'Faction War' type of system to help encourage competitive gameplay.

2. A Weapon/Armor Upgrading System!

This will allow the possibility to add attributes and other stats to your gear, which will in-turn add many more possibilities to the player combat system.

3. A brand-new user interface!

Here is a current skeleton of the UI in progress. And it fits surprisingly well on an iPhone screen.

While there are, of course, many more things that we want to create, there are also a large amount of things that need to be done to our current systems in order for them to be ready for release.

If you are currently developing on another server, we would be more than happy to accommodate your current server-related priorities, should you apply. All that we ask is that you have a strong passion to help us and an interest to take part in testing your skills on our ambitious projects.

Even if you don't think that you've got the skills required to help us script systems or create levels, don't be discouraged! As long as you know the basics, we will be more than happy to assist you while you learn! All that we ask is that you have both motivation to learn and passion to help us.

Our application includes 2-steps. The first step will be for you to fill out a form with basic information such as:

Should you complete the first and easy step and we then select you as one of the potential hirings, and you will be instructed to download Discord, an application similiar to Teamspeak or Ventrilo. This is the primary application that we use to communicate among ourselves. On this phase of the application, a department administrator will conduct an on-the-spot interview. Having a microphone is recommended but not required. Socially shy? We don't bite! :shy:

Without further ado, you can click here for the application! Thank you very much for your support.
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