Thread: Business Update
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Old 01-02-2015, 11:14 AM
Kohola_KinG Kohola_KinG is offline
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Originally Posted by Demisis_P2P View Post
The changes he was asking for were because he was stocking the business himself. He wasn't asking for more profit, he was asking to pay his employees more so that it was worthwhile for them to actually stock instead of picking trash or mining for that same amount of time.
Like i said. He could have made it worthwhile for them if his business was making 300k a week!? Why not just pay them a lot more you would have still been left over with nice profit. If you're making that amount of money then raise the wages and people will work for you. It's that simple.

Originally Posted by Demisis_P2P View Post
If you lower the amount that food heals then I may as well just heal in beds. Most PKing nowdays happens in the gang bases, where there are beds readily available, so food needs to be either faster and/or more convenient to be worth anything at all. The fact that food freezes you for a substantial amount of time when players can spawn basically right on top of you at any time by using the sewer entry actually makes it pretty incovenient to eat mid-raid. So that only leaves food healing faster.
I was never a fan of healing beds anyways. I was always for removing them. Another positive for food businesses. If the beds are staying then just reduce the freeze time on the heals. They're healing less so it wouldn't matter.
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