Thread: Gun Statistics
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Old 12-29-2013, 06:20 PM
Kohola_KinG Kohola_KinG is offline
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Originally Posted by Scoper View Post
I could debate awhile, sure.
Banning people over something stupid is stupid. Banning people over something valid is arguable. Banning someone for an extended period of numerous incidents from both categories is more than justified.

I've been in trouble myself, sure. I served time for my perceived wrongdoings. However, my stuff was not (apparently) of a magnitude to deserve a foreverban -- and I like to think by now, I've made up for the small stuff. Hurray!

Mods close topic plz

A ban is a ban, we have all been banned regardless of what we have done. I was permanently banned twice and here i am. I could mention 10 more. Made up for all the small stuff, dude it's a 2D game. Let's not take it that serious, the guy just wants to play the game and you guys do everything to stop that. What's the worse he can do? Get a grip and stop being so uptight.