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Old 09-07-2012, 05:32 PM
Polo Polo is offline
Classic Systems Admin
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Originally Posted by DustyPorViva View Post
Only way to settle this is to set up an event where you toggle between default and your custom HD while not actually allowing players to tell which they're using. Toggle them randomly and see if they can tell which HD they used to during the spar.
Something similar to this actually happened shortly after we switched to the NPC server scripted systems (including serverside hit detection), probably around mid-2005. I made a change to the scripted movement that literally broke everything, essentially throwing the entire player base onto default for a few hours; during that time we still continued to get complaints that this hit detection 'wasn't right', actually receiving more complaints about that than the fact that pretty much nothing on the server was working correctly.

With the serverside hit detection I eventually gave up trying to make it work like default, on the basis that due to differences in how lag would affect it we would never be able to get a perfect emulation anyway. At that point I intentionally diverged from default and just listened to the player feedback instead. As an example, when players complained that it was difficult to combo opponents, I tweaked the recoil distances and timing such that an opponent that charged straight back in could be hit again right at the point they came back within striking distance. This change made it much easier to combo aggressive or frustrated players, whereas those with a more defensive style could avoid it; the change was generally met with positive feedback, despite the fact it was different from how the default hit detection worked.

I've tried the hit detection on Classic and personally I didn't find it to be any different from how I remember default. I'll caveat that with the fact that I'm not a hugely active sparrer any more (though I was back in the day), and that I've spent the last 8 years playing and working almost exclusively on custom systems. If that somehow makes my opinion worth less then so be it. I did give Thor some feedback and suggested changes, but these came out of my own experiences tweaking hit detection for player entertainment and were not related to emulating default.

I hope that whatever is being experienced can be pinpointed and resolved, whether it be a script issue, lag issue or anything else. It would be an absolute shame for something like this to prevent people from experiencing such a quality server.
Be good little players, or Master Storm will ban you!

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*Ghost Pirate: I'm a little teacup short and stubbe here is my raygun here is my butt
DragonX: Jumping jack rabbits Batman! Our eggo waffles have been stolen! To the batmobile Robin!
X-Mann (RC): I have a head ache
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