Thread: GK Shutdown
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Old 06-05-2012, 12:52 AM
Unkownsoldier Unkownsoldier is offline
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Originally Posted by garglius1 View Post

When games such as World of Warcraft go down EVERY Tuesday for maintenance, people don't ask for a refund because of lost game-time,
I am pretty sure they are scheduled most of the time, so players before know a head of time that they won't be able to play at that time. Maplestory informs players as well, and usually it only last a few hours at most a day. Also, games like that I don't believe reset, because you can regain the items you lost, but not the time spent getting them in the first place. Graalonline staff didn't give warning, they didn't give a time period for when it will be fixed like other games, and it has gone on for more than one day. That constitutes for a refund in my opinion. People are paying for a product, and right now they are paying for it and not being able to use it. It's as simple as that.
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