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Old 01-04-2012, 04:32 AM
Unkownsoldier Unkownsoldier is offline
Ignorance has no future
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Unkownsoldier is on a distinguished road
A reset would wipe everything from the server. Including thousands of hours of peoples hard work. Resetting is almost never the answer because you are just deleting things you didn't work for. Just fix the problem and stop trying to cop out by saying you need a reset. That's the easy way out with benefits only the people who have nothing or lost everything.


A teacher throws away all your grades (all students) because she feels the grades were way to low. Even the A+ students grades were thrown out. All that work out the window and now they are on the same level as the failures. What will make them want to redo everything? Those are the people that will make the class grades look good, but instead you threw them under the bus and now everyone's grades look bad because they are uninspired to work. Much like era.
Look beyond the monitor.
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