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Old 12-20-2011, 07:54 AM
XxTheFlashxX XxTheFlashxX is offline
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Replaced or meshed together? I think Stefan said something about joining them or at least thinking of it... if not a thought that popped into his head as he typed.

As much as I'd love it, I don't really see PC zone as coming back for many reasons. 3-4 new players playing then one fairly good player logs on and just dominates leading to "why am I playing this?!" (Youngins have less patience). Many many new games out which are free and better quality, though I think don't have the feel/skill requirement that a 2d shooter has. Not to mention I've never seen a Graal advertisement and doubt I ever will... ect. ect.

As far as IPhone zone is concerned, I just feel like Stefan is grasping for the quick money burst, however slight, however long. I just hope, a far off hope, that people who buy it see the potential and try out the PC version. MAYBE leading to a slight surge.

And for that surge I hope Stefan lets Programmer (if he's still interested) fix Zone a bit. Maybe even add new stuff. I first read this post because I had a few ideas I wanted to toss in, slowly losing enthusiasm as the enthusiasm from "Programmer" was waning/killed.
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