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Old 09-27-2011, 07:23 PM
RogueShatterblade RogueShatterblade is offline
world-class douchebag
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Originally Posted by xAndrewx
Nice to see you're still a spineless little punk, Snake. I s'pose some people don't ever change.

Originally Posted by Crono View Post
Argument should have stopped here really, because Dusty can do better and has.
My quarrel was never with him. I tip my hat to anyone who can utilize proper grammar regularly, and in this case, use logic in an argument.

Originally Posted by Crow
"Extremely" limited space to work with? Tilesets? Are you living under a rock? Geez. Just because a server works even though it looks like a steaming pile of crap doesn't mean you shouldn't work on improving the graphics.
Originally Posted by DustyPorViva
Graphics could be worked over without changing levels, as it was shown above, and would not impede on the progress of the rest of the server. Your approach to development seems to be like a lot of people who don't really know how to approach it: "we have BIG PROBLEMS thus we can never do SMALL STUFF on the side."
Did I not say there was room for improvement? Pretty f*cking sure I did. Wait, let me s-
Originally Posted by RogueShatterblade
There are SOME things that could be improved - the only thing that springs to mind right now is some of the older guns, but to suggest some sort of overhaul is completely ridiculous.
oh, right! There it is!

Maybe it's just my prehistoric, old guard marine corps mindset, but I think you can make a pretty damn fine-looking server with what Era currently has. Of course graphics can be improved - to a degree. I referenced Graal3D as an attempt to improve drastically on our graphics - it never even got off the ground. Why, I'm not sure, but one way to think is because what we have works.

You guys are acting like we have f*cking picket lines on the server as if the whole game looks like a steaming pile of crap. We aren't on Runescape, come on - I'm with Crono, this has gone SO FAR past any sort of relevance to what I posted to begin with. To summarize my position in this trainwreck of a thread, I'm only saying that I think people seem to be asking for too much. If what was requested of the server were more definitively quantified, then we could really get into the meat and potatoes of this. Since my opinion isn't shared, and my rep's taking a hit (twice, actually, I lolled irl), I'll kindly shut the f*ck up.

Originally Posted by DustyPorViva
So people criticize a server and you jump to insulting them? You take things way too personally and just seem like some jerk who would rather insult people than listen to useful advice.
Listen man, I've got some pretty thick skin beat into me, I mistake other people for having it too - I call people a**holes about as much as Denis Leary in Rescue Me. I certainly don't like your attitude, or your position, but you have my respect - don't get it twisted.

*Bell: I'm going to faint, Ocelot turned into a real human being. One I can actually have some respect for.

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