Thread: Era Staff
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Old 07-13-2011, 04:03 PM
Venom_Fish Venom_Fish is offline
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Originally Posted by Sinkler View Post
In regards to Regency Theatre, it was quite well received. The public commonly attended their performances and was an excellent time to see what Era's talent has to show. How do I know this? I was a part of the Regency Theatre, and therefore I saw it first hand.

Scotland Yard was quite controversial due to certain rights they had and no one else had. For example, their right to have handcuffs (an idea that some organizations had in the past, SY was able to get it).

Alec's ideas were centered around role-playing, but this wasn't good enough for the Era Staff as they felt Era was about PKing -only-, thus leading to opposition towards Alec and a few others. However, I've come to believe that an addition of role-playing on Era is not impossible, merely improbable due to the staff's idea of PKing only.

I will use the Merriam-Webster dictionary to define success, as I trust its definitions.

Success: obsolete : outcome, result.

Therefore, under this definition provided by Merriam-Webster, we can clearly see that these were all a result of Alec's ideas, and thus successful. Now of course, was it favorable? In my opinion, yes. Regency Theatre and Scotland Yard garnered a lot of public praise (and negative praise), even Morgrim wanted to recreate Scotland Yard (as a Gang).

Because of the public approval of some of his works, I argue that he was in fact successful. Was he perfect? God no. Was he the best manager Era has seen? Probably not. But he was by no means a huge failure that you are proclaiming.
Gabriel, I've taught you this a thousand times.
Stop copy and pasting things without first analyzing them, your adversary would eat you alive boy!

Merriam-Webster's, outcome is the consequence or relatively, the result of an act. That is one of its listed definitions, which is accurate because AS I PREVIOUSLY EXPRESSED, Success is derived from the result or OUTCOME of an act. It cannot be depicted otherwise.

Using your book, (Copied/Pasted from Merriam-Webster): favorable or desired outcome; also : the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence
Alec's only success was becoming manager,
none of the outcomes of his projects can be expressed as successful.
The outcome is unfavorable in the eyes of many (apparently except yours).
Furthermore, I've been playing Era since 2002, and to be honest, regency theatre was never in my recollection. No one spoke of it, many never even saw it, and like everything else Alec did, it lasted like no time at all.

Uh, did you just use abilities as a sign of success? roflmao.
God, this is too easy.
They had handcuffs, and still lasted no time at all. Leaving no mark, the business concept was fine but its execution was terrible and certainly not well-received.

Alec was absolutely unsuccessful in his endeavors.
Due to people like him, roleplaying on Era is DEAD.
In this day and age, to not only fail, but help in killing an entire concept, is a term beyond unsuccessful rofl. We call that the worst case scenario.

Era was not founded on roleplaying, nor ever centered around it. Behind-the-scenes guilds could do it and it wouldn't matter, but once you make it a focal and major organization roleplay, it becomes problematic (as show by Alec's failures).

Don't sweat it man, Alec's management wasn't all bad.
He showed us what NOT to do when in that position.
"I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all." - Ecclesiastes 9:11

Last edited by Venom_Fish; 07-13-2011 at 04:33 PM..
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