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Old 06-23-2011, 07:58 AM
Sonniku4 Sonniku4 is offline
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Originally Posted by fowlplay4 View Post
I looked over your screenshot and based on your tracert it appears you're having a double NATing issue. Here's how I can tell:

Step 1: (Router)
Step 2: (Modem)

You can call your ISP and ask them to help you resolve this or...
Definitely calling my ISP on this, because I tend to have a cursed touch when it comes to...
  1. CD/DVD burning.
  2. Network configurations.
  3. Printers.
Like seriously. Stuff WON'T WORK no matter what I try on it. Either I leave it alone for the rest of the day and it works the next day (printers), I give up and make someone else do it (CD/DVD burns) or I call the ISP (Networks).

Anyway, what do I tell the Indian when I call my ISP, what problem do I describe, what do I ask for, etc...
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