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Old 05-09-2011, 09:11 PM
DrkXFactr DrkXFactr is offline
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Originally Posted by Felix_Xenophobe View Post
Yes let's all be one big happy family. Man up and declare war on zormite. Write a story about you wanting independence from *** fish. Nobody wants peace on a game
RP-wise, things will always be going down. You can't keep peace on a game for long. Too many ego's. BUT, I was referring to coming together to make GK active again, and a fun place TO PLAY YOUR GAME. I'm glad you enjoy playing when there will be 10 active players on the game, MAYBE? Well, I'd love to see GK strive to be what it should be.. The most played game out of all of the Graal servers. It has the potential, and I know it can get there.. And I know that it will. I was simply saying if we come together as players, to better the popularity of the server we play on, that would be great.

Again, RP wise? Sure, anythings possible. It's about having fun, right?
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