Thread: Seriously...
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Old 10-07-2010, 08:32 AM
TheJames TheJames is offline
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Originally Posted by kia345 View Post
James, I would like to apologize to you.

My comments are unnecessary, and you are clearly the victim here. You want nothing more than to continue coming to these forums in peace, and to make it clear that everyone else who does the same thing is nothing but a completely lifeless nerd.

All you want to do is gloat about being the bigger man and put everyone down who tries to point out you're not very good at being online (and they're clearly nerds and losers for being likable people online!), and that honestly is not too much to ask. After all, all you're trying to do is to get attention and be involved. When you do it, it is not a bad thing. But, you're right, everyone else who posts doesn't have a life, they're bad people. In fact, you're the only one with a life. Everyone who plays Graal, everyone who says something you don't approve of, they're lifeless losers for coming to this place that you happen to be at too.

But you, you have a life! Not everyone has those extra hours in the day. We all have 24 hours that we waste here, but you, you somehow devote all 24 hours of your day to your happy, awesome, real life, and then manage to create a few more hours for Graal, as to not take away from your perfect life. I can only hope to one day be the 27 hour man that you are. Because everyone knows people with real lives don't spend them doing things they enjoy online, that would be preposterous!

But, I do feel like I should correct you though...

There is one instance you're fairly incorrect in, but your conclusion was accurate (it was just the details that were wrong). You assumed that because of my harsh behavior (which was unnecessary: all you did was post a thread making a big deal about quitting in the near future and Graal sucking, and all its players sucking and having no lives, and then you came back; there is nothing wrong with that! And there's certainly nothing wrong with this same behavior you had on GK, that people who did things were wrong and losers for it. They simply weren't doing what you did when you did those things, which was being you). But, that's not completely correct.

You see, I suffer from a very rare disorder: Awesomdicitis. It's pretty time consuming and demands almost all of my attention. It's hard to describe, but in layman's terms, it means I'm forced to lead an awesome life. I'm stuck with this cool job, and great, close friends, and beautiful hair, and I have no say in the matter. Unfortunately, I am almost unanimously liked by the world. I just have to be nice to people to keep up with my bustling social life, lest the numerous parties and road-trips and adventures would become increasingly uncomfortable. So I come online to escape. I have to take out all this pent up sadism on someone. How else can someone be as big a jerk as me, to insult someone who by all accounts started it and pleads for it with every post he makes? This is not the behavior of a normal person, I assure you! It is proof of my disorder! It's not because I have no life, like you so quickly assumed, but because I have too much life! My hands are full of life! I am too happy all the time, perpetually so! And because of that, I have to maintain the zen and find someone to redirect the anger and cruelty that has nowhere else to go!

James, you are my Jesus. You accept my sins and carry them with you, so I may continue to be awesome.

Yeah, I know he didn't read a single line of this

*clap clap* bravo.. bravo.. Now when I retire from my 27 hour days and have an extra 10 minutes, I will potentially write you some dedicated paragraph to describe my disease of "badassness" and we can relate. Have a great day, friend.

I read the whole thing smiling and being flattered someone would take time out of their busy, hectic day to address this issue in such a flattering way.
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